6 Garda at check point,

dont worry complainer,filling out my app forms as we speak! look forward to retiring at fifty and living off a fat pension for the rest of my life...paid for by joe public,..hope i dont feel too guilty though about the poor sods in the real world who have to slave till they are 65 or more..and then live on a pittance, anyway wish me luck!!

Where are you getting a retirement age of 50 from? Why don't you get your facts straight before commenting on something. I am sure 29 year old Robbie McCallion was glad he chose such an easy career. Look him up if you don't know who he is.
Interesting points made,
Could we not change the process, if test is taking at the scene and proven positive then car is ceased and person caught gets to make a phone call to be collected by someone,then the person has to report to Garda station following morning for paperwork etc.
Interesting points made,
Could we not change the process, if test is taking at the scene and proven positive then car is ceased and person caught gets to make a phone call to be collected by someone,then the person has to report to Garda station following morning for paperwork etc.

But isn't the road side test just an indication that you are over the limit, I think you get tested again with a more accurate machine at the station to determine exact level of bozze in system.
Where are you getting a retirement age of 50 from? Why don't you get your facts straight before commenting on something. I am sure 29 year old Robbie McCallion was glad he chose such an easy career. Look him up if you don't know who he is.

Or look up Brian Kellaher who was killed outside Foynes in 2007, I was at his funeral, I'm sure his family were also glad he choose such an easy carrer
I’m asking the opposite, why were there only 6 of them at the checkpoint?

We all know that we have people on the street that drink and drive and I for one am not having any tolerance for them. In my opinion if you cause a death while driving drunk you are a murderer and you should be dealt with as that. The car is the weapon here; it’s just like a gun in my view. Driving while under the influence even if there is accident should be punished severely. Use a Bus or Taxi when you drink. And if you can’t afford the bus or taxi than you should not drink in the first place.

What can 6 Gardaí do? As several posters said, once they arrest someone they have to go to the station and reducing the amount of staff on the check point. Sooner or later the checkpoint is gone because of staffing.

It’s time we take the drink driving culture and get rid of it. 0% limit is working in several countries and I’m all for it. You don’t have to be over the current limit to have your driving skills severely impacted. Alcohol and driving does not mix.

Now I am one that argues for a better modern police service all the time and I think we need more professional law enforcement staff on the street.
I think this post is swaying from an OP suggesting guards have it easy to others suggesting that it is a severely dangerous job. there is a middle ground. Garda safety must be ensured while on duty, so bulking up numbers that operate together is not an issue, there are of course areas in which (some) Gardai could be more helpful and efficient.
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