6 Garda at check point,


Registered User
We are trying to make our money go further in this country in these tough times,
I was a car at 1 am Saturday morning and there where 6 Gardai at a checkpoint outside the travel lodge hotel in Rathmines.Not sure what they where looking for maybe tax,drink/drug drivers,
But did they really need 6 Gardai to do this, maybe some where the volunteer Garda but that would still not give call for so many people in uniform.
all the Gardai where within a few yards of each other
I got stopped a while ago for a random drink test, and there was a few more than 6.

Just before the check there was an area where you could turn around so a car with 2 guards were parked just out of sight so untill you turned in to turn around to avoid you couldn't see them. Then there was one guard waving in every other car, and then there was 5 guards standing ready to give you the test.

So thats 8 in total. Yes it seems a lot but they are able to test a lot more people that way, every other car instead of maybe every 5th or 6th car. I think this was a bank holiday weekend as well.

There are figures ( well so the news reports keep telling you ) that more people are caught drink driving on bank holiday weekends than any other time. This could very well be because they do alot more checks then that other times of the year. And the news always keeps count of the number of accidents/deaths on the roads around bank holidays. Althought i'm not sure how many of these are related to drink driving.

If paying 6-8 guards to do these tests saves even one persons life then i have no problem with them doing this. That 1 person they they stopped over the limit could of gone on to kill or injury any number of people.
Bear in mind that each time someone is breathalysed and the test is positive, that person is arrested and brought to the station. So you might start with a gang of 6 guards, but that only gives you three arrests ( maybe 5 or 6 at most, if some of the guards can get two arrests out of the way in the course of a shift. )

Yes, and the fact with each arrest, a Gardai or two may be tied up for a couple of hours dealing with the booking in and charging of the arrestee.

People give out when they see no Gardai and give out when they see too many.
usually takes two of them to deliver a sommons, one to drive the car,the other to knock on the door and serve the summons!
usually takes two of them to deliver a sommons, one to drive the car,the other to knock on the door and serve the summons!

I presume that they travel in pairs to provide back up for each other should any situation get out of hand and also when the summons is delivered they don't have to go back to the station, they can go straight out on patrol.
usually takes two of them to deliver a sommons, one to drive the car,the other to knock on the door and serve the summons!

Look at some of the places they have to go to deliver summons, would you go there on your own and do it?
Yes Starlite.

Go for it. Get down off whatever ditch you are sitting on and see how good you will be.
At least try the garda reserve. I think you would be an excellent asset to society
give me the hourly rate of pay they are on on and i will give it a go!

Type garda injured into Google and you get 54000 hits

Now are you really sure you want to do this? There is a Garda recruitment ban at the minute but the Garda reserve are recruiting and I am sure that applying and being successful for the reserve would help when the ban is lifted. Details of the reserve are below

why don't you apply and let us know how you get on?

The reserve is there for anyone who wanted to apply for it. The more the better I say. I would love to have given it a go only unfortunately though my working hours would have allowed, my age ( cough cough ) wouldn't. I have seen more Gardaí on the beat lately than ever before. I have also seen them patrolling the housing estates regularly during the night which is a comfort and which I'm not sure they were able to do effectively before. They do their job they get paid. I don't begrudge them a cent of it.
dont worry complainer,filling out my app forms as we speak! look forward to retiring at fifty and living off a fat pension for the rest of my life...paid for by joe public,..hope i dont feel too guilty though about the poor sods in the real world who have to slave till they are 65 or more..and then live on a pittance, anyway wish me luck!!
Can we look forward to big decrease in crime once you get accepted ?