Only after the AVC's into the public sector scheme are maximised. Once they are maxed out, contributions may be made to a personal pension in relation to the self employed income.
Being a member of the public service doesn't go well with retiring early...unless there is a possibility to get a package. For most, their pension is their biggest source of income in retirement. Those in defined contribution schemes can access their work pensions from age 50. Even if in a defined benefit scheme, you can take a transfer value and access it that way. But for public servants, there is no transfer value and if you aren't offered a package, you have to wait.
So you will need to find alternative funding for early retirement and that is saving and investing.
To start, I would clear your debts and redirect that money into investing. Your "free banking", as already has been pointed out, is actually a cost. I pay €6 a month with Bank of Ireland, nowhere near the €20 a month you mentioned. Just clear it.
Prize bonds are a waste of time. Cash them in. Get your money working for you.
Steven (