36, good salary, but don't enjoy my job

OP is also considering a career change. that may require an investment of time and money in training to pick up other skills or get qualifications to allow them to work in another area. That should also be added into the financial planning, whether it is full time, part time/remote, each has an implication financially.
At 36 I hated my job but I had 2 small kids and it paid well.

I didn’t make the break entirely, I made a few changes and plastered over the discontent for a decade. At that stage hubby was unemployed and kids were even more expensive so I was stuck. Now I am watching the clock to retirement.

My advice would be to retrain and get out of dodge! Don’t spend 1/3 of every day doing something you dislike or working in an environment you dislike. Fix that before you worry about retirement. That’s 30 years away.