30/40k to spend what would you choose?

Actually Lex if you could get your 3,999 friends to chip in 100.00 euro each you could buy the long valley, You would be left with 39,900 euro and have your pork salad sandwich and your beamish for free as part owner, I bet your day dreaming already.

Small problem, Salaried...... How would I decide which 3,999 of my friends I should choose to go into business with? There'd be a lot of disappointed people around Town! ;)
Ahh I'm only messing. I'm sure Lex has more than 4 friends who drink Beamish

Just leaving the Long Valley, having met a selected number of friends. The concensus was that we should send a note to Firefly, reminding him that we know where he lives and that it's quite difficult to type and post on AAM with 3 or 4 broken fingers! ;)

However, if he were to offer an apology and join us for a pint of Beamish some night, I'm sure we could clear up this little misunderstanding and pretend it never happened. And the Mods would never need to know........
Lex, Were you and your friends watching sky news in the long valley over a few pints of the black stuff, You seem to have developed a mob mentality.
Just leaving the Long Valley, having met a selected number of friends. The concensus was that we should send a note to Firefly, reminding him that we know where he lives and that it's quite difficult to type and post on AAM with 3 or 4 broken fingers! ;)

However, if he were to offer an apology and join us for a pint of Beamish some night, I'm sure we could clear up this little misunderstanding and pretend it never happened. And the Mods would never need to know........

Hmm..that's a real tough one...losing fingers or drinking Beamish...would that be 3 fingers or 4? :D
Lex said:
However, if he were to offer an apology and join us for a pint of Beamish some night, I'm sure we could clear up this little misunderstanding and pretend it never happened. And the Mods would never need to know

... so, we're not invited then ...:eek:

... so, we're not invited then ...:eek:


Jeez Marion, surely you're not goin to ask us mods to drop our standards and drink Beamish [broken link removed]

Dearest Marion, the invitation issued to you (and to others :rolleyes:) some time ago, still stands. I couldn't imagine anything more heavenly than having a sandwich and a pint of Beamish in the Long Valley, in the pleasant company of a discerning and classy lady like yourself. :)

And, as for Firefly and Sue Ellen....... well, what they'll never have, they'll never miss......... ;)
For starters

and to finish a John Shinnors painting

That should leave just enough change for a few pints in Kehoes in South Ann st...

Money well spent.
Lex. that is so cool!

I have never had a Beamish but I would love to try it.

I'd probably also spend a lot on dresses and shoes in BT.
