Re: What do I buy?
Originally Posted by
€225 for a jar of cream are you off your rocker, as a woman I cant understand anyone paying that either.
It's a great cream and it works for night and day and eyes, you buy any decent cream at all i.e. clarins, ysl etc and buy the 3 individually you'll actually pay more than the euro 125 for the 30ml jar of creme de la mer.
Back to topic - it would be deemed a luxgurious gift, yet doesn't cost the earth and shows the op did some thinking.
You must have more money than sense woman!
Review below
"The reality is that this very basic, and I mean
really basic, cream doesn't contain anything particularly extraordinary or unique, unless you want to believe that seaweed extract (sort of like seaweed tea) can somehow be worth this much money, or that it can in some way heal burns and scars. According to Susan Brawley, professor of plant biology at the University of Maine, "seaweed extract isn't a rare, exotic, or expensive ingredient. Seaweed extract is readily available and used in everything from cosmetics to food products and medical applications." Creme de la Mer contains mostly seaweed extract, mineral oil, petrolatum (similar to Vaseline), glycerin, waxlike thickening agents, plant oils, plant seeds, minerals, vitamins, more thickeners, and preservatives. How expensive can it be to stick some seaweed and vitamins in a cosmetic? According to the cosmetics chemists I've interviewed, it costs pennies, not hundreds of dollars. "
You could spend 10 euro on bio oil which really does work on stretch marks. But if you don't want to be a single dad....
If money isn't tight, a piece of jewellry with the bab's birthstone, if money is tight a book of personal vouchers as suggested is a brilliant idea.