2025 6 Nations Fixture List

In a year where Ireland weren't at their best they still won the Triple Crown . And won four out of five matches... .
Good points @joer. While I’m not a rugby man, I’ve been supporting Ireland and Munster (and a couple of club teams too - not Cork Oon though). I remember Munster games where a total of a few hundred people attended. Rugby has come on on leaps and bounds, yet something more must be done to reduce injuries. I once heard George Hook say that he hoped his grandchildren wouldn’t play rugby (with the injury count and types of aggression). Somebody involved with the IRFU must see “collisions” must stop because that is what they are. Collisions are not tackles. The dark arts of rugby have long filtered to schoolboy level with planned gouging (attacking an opponent’s eyes with two fingers) is allowed to happen.

Well Done Ireland. You did us proudly and showed good human traits along the way. Good to see youth coming through too and veterans leaving with dignity. They lifted the nation when it needed lifting.