It is very interesting
@Cervelo to see your spending patterns change and flex over the years. I can see how making choices has allowed you more control over items such as food, bb, waste, mobile etc.
I can also see areas of spending where I am significantly higher. - clothes for one - and I don’t consider myself a big clothes or shoe shopper. And subscriptions, Netflix, Spotify etc, unless you have those wrapped up in house.
Another area of spending you don’t have is pets, but maybe I am just feeling bitter as our pet had to go to the vet yesterday (on a bank holiday!!) and it cost me €400. The pet unfortunately did not survive, so I will be pet bills free into the future, and saving on boarding fees for holidays. I do think that pets do cost much more than people realise, even the weekly food adds up and while I know that people adore their pets they can be a significant part of a weekly spend.
Does your spouse also have a private pension of her own, in your second post you talked about yours alone?
I'm glad that you and so many are finding it interesting, thank you one and all
Before I met Mrs C in '99 I would have spent a lot on my appearance as I'm sure we all did but as you get older or at least for me it doesn't play a big part in either of our lives, for me when I leave the house I'm in a pair of jeans, tee shirt and a hoody with a pair of Doc's in summer time the jeans and Docs get swapped out for shorts and Crocs, Yeap, I'm one of those fashion setters

and Mrs C is similar except refuses to wear the Crocs. so it's not a big expense for us
The "subscriptions" is a relative new thing for us, back in '05 we had like most people Cablelink and/or Sky and we bought CD's and DVD's
so much so I'm now sitting on a dust collecting collection of 1200+ CD's and 300+ DVD's
In '20 we started to make the move to streaming when Eir BB had a years free Prime tv included and in early '21 dropped Sky and made the move to only streaming providers but as there's only the two of us here and one TV we generally only have one subscription on the go each month and keep swapping and changing through out the year but keep an eye out for special offers with Now Tv like in August this year we were offered six months TV for €18
With regards to music I very seldom listen to music in the house now it is mainly in the car or on my phone when out exercising
In May of last year I signed up to YouTube Music which I have to say has been great, yes it costs €13.99 a month but not only do I get all the music I can listen to it also gives me add free YouTube which when you go down the rabbit hole of YouTube, you just never know where you're going to end up
Condolences on your loss,
We are cat lovers and did have a cat that passed in late 2020 which upset me more than any person who had passed before
and though we had a few medical expenses we were lucky they were small and easily absorbed
I would love another one but as you say they can be expensive maintain and given that the type of holidays we like to do are generally in the timespan of a month or longer it's unfair on the little pests to cocooned in a cattery
So for now I'm enjoying one of the neighbours cat who regularly checks in to "Casa Cervelo" treats us like a all inclusive holiday home and leaves without paying the bill
No, Mrs C doesn't have a private pension of her own but will be entitled to the state pension
And just on a side note,
I've noticed in a majority of replies that I'm making here on this thread I'm using the word "I" a lot but let me tell you, there would be no "I" if it were not for Mrs C, in my world the sun rises and sets with this woman, I've often said on this site the second best decision I've made in my life was to retire early, the first was asking Miss C out on a date