2 bed local or 3 bed further away?

So say property is 325, you get seller to officially say house costs 325, you give them 317 and the 8 balance yet you would still get a mortgage for the 325k?
You certainly won't get a mortgage for the €325K and tax evasion is a crime! Your call..........

At the risk of confusing things even furter - have you considred Stamullen? - short distane from Balbriggan but prices seemed close to your figures last time I looked up there (maybe 6 months ago)

Otherwise I would definitely pick Balbriggan over Drogheda

Stamullen is out of our price range.

anyway today is supposed to be a good day, we got two bids accepted, both balbriggan and drogheda, instead its a nightmare, i want drogheda as i think its a better investment and balbriggan as anyone from the area would know is only a short distance from drogheda, my partner is in tears, she wants to stay local, i dont think that the 2 bed is worth 310, its now same price as the larger house, its mid terrace, i drove round last week and theres virtually no parking space, a lot of foreign renters, old 97 - 98 - 99 cars up on jacks, bonnets open with dodgy looking blokes sniffing around the engine bays, kids running everywhere.

ive lived in a housing estate all my life and know when somewhere is over crowded...

saying that the house is very nice, but come on, 310K, do we really need to get ourselves up to the hilt in debt for such a small place? We have no options its small 2 beds in balbriggan or duplex town houses which are just as small, or else its out of the town further north.

We have to decide on both for tomorrow morning or else the 2 bed is gone....

i feel terrible, i wouldnt move where she wouldnt be happy, so drogheda is out the window, but i know i will regret moving there, 220k last year, 310k this year, there is no way in a years time that someone will pay 50 or 60k more to us for this house.
Morpheous, you have my sympathies tough predicament to find yourself in. I know the theme running through this thread has been go for location over house size but then again it does depend on the estate enough.

I'm living in what would be described as a good central location to Dublin in a smaller house (but I've 3 kids!) but its got too much now, we need more room and am in the middle of 5 rented houses that are basically full of scumbags. (for instance one side had a party - 10 people living in a 3 bed partying last night till 330am - husband has to be out for work at 6.30am not very fun :() and we are in the process of moving 20 mins further down the motorway to a bigger house and quieter/hopefully better estate.

Have the same worries as you at the moment, while now on paper the house we are in right now is a better deal - smaller house but better location, the reality of actually living there goes against that and I cant wait to move. Hopefully same doesnt happen in the new place we are moving to though!!

Its certainly a tough one to call and I would take your plans for the future on board as in if you plan to have kids while living in the house, is it a place you want them to grow up in. Are you buying this as a home or just a stepping stone before trading up again, if things do go pear shaped which are you going to be happy forking out the mortgage for and which you will be happier in long term if you cant afford to move on?? Those I guess are the questions I asked myself before we decided to move.

Best of luck though!
morpheus said:
I like drogheda, its local for us, we currently do our shopping there, like i mentioned were both gormanston and balbriggan based, its just that as the house is on the north side of the boyne, it adds to the commute by 15 minutes.

It takes us only 14 minutes from balbriggan to edge of drogheda, but then 10 - 15 minutes commute from outskirts of drogheda across town back down north side of quays and up to the house!!! crazy traffic.

Are there no suitable houses on the near side of Drogheda or do the house prices there reflect the easier commute?
sam78 said:
in the middle of 5 rented houses that are basically full of scumbags.
Why don't you complain to the people involved and/or their landlords if they are causing problems?
ClubMan said:
Why don't you complain to the people involved and/or their landlords if they are causing problems?

we've reported it numerous times to the gardai who can only do so much after going directly to them didnt chieve anything. We reported the landlord who owns house next to us to the PRTB which did improve things a good bit(bar last night) but 3 years worth of complaining takes its toll!!

So in our case a detached house is the way forward to hopefully a less stressful homelife.

Edited to say

On reflection, dont mean to be a downer on the house in Balbriggan but if you have your doubts 310k is alot of money to spend and having been in the situation where I've ignored nagging doubts just to get a house make sure you really think it and thoroughly check out the estate before before committing yourself.
Hi Morpheus

Best of luck with your coming house purchase whatever you decide. Buying a house is a big step and something you should both be happy with. At present it is tough for FTB to get on the property ladder and demand for housing is high. With uncertainty over interest rates etc, maybe should consider where you want to remain for an extended period of time. Buying now and selling in a years time may be a nightmare, also although unlikely may be a buyers market and may have diffculty selling on.

Balbriggan is nice area, however there are some areas which are not great. Had a friend who sold house recently as the estate had turned into a job ride area at night. He could not get out of there fast enough.

Maybe you should discuss this with the mrs. Good luck with your decision.
Hi Morpheus,

Have you checked to see if you fall within the Affordable Housing limits? Or maybe one of you on your own falls within it, if you are not married. . . . . .

Fingal usually have a few affordable properties in the Balbriggan area.....