11% of the adult population! Embarrassed!


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400,000 people will go and pay good money to see a has been country and western singer in Croke Park this weekend.

Even Nashville would be embarrassed at that level of adoration. LOL
Proper music, good songs, good guy, good entertainer..what else could you want?
Everyone to their own of course
I never understand the term "has been" as people apply it to bands - should we be going to see the latest boy band instead ?
I object. Why can't they have this somewhere in country and western territory instead of subjecting Dublin to multiple invasions of 'these people'???
Is this what men fought and died for in 1014?
Indeed, the Battle of Clontarf was fought between the Kingdom of Leinster, allied with the Hiberno-Scandinavian city of Dublin, against the invading Munster King Brian Boru. Even then it was better to ally with foreigners than have the place overrun by culchies. :p
Indeed, the Battle of Clontarf was fought between the Kingdom of Leinster, allied with the Hiberno-Scandinavian city of Dublin, against the invading Munster King Brian Boru. Even then it was better to ally with foreigners than have the place overrun by culchies. :p
So does that mean Leinster fans are not only West Brits, they're also West Norwegians?
So does that mean Leinster fans are not only West Brits, they're also West Norwegians?
Neither, we're just aware of the corrosive and damaging influence Munster fans have. I do agree that we are far less inbred, as can be seen by facial symmetry, ear shape, hygiene and general temperament. ;) :p
Saw him in Chicago on a junket some years ago , whilst there on sufferance with clients I could not but be awestruck at the stage set up which revolved 360 degrees to give fans a brilliant view in a huge indoor stadium and the energy expended by the man was incredible , the only bum note was the encores when he butchered the brilliant Night Moves by Bob Seger and Who’ll stop the the rain by John Fogerty !
Would I go again - no - my tastes in country run more to Hank Williams and Dwight Yoakam but anyone going is guaranteed a brilliant spectacle , the music they will hear is a matter of personal taste and as someone said above everyone to their own.
As an aside there was a huge amount of Irish fans at the gig as it took place just after the Dublin gigs were cancelled - flags and country GAA jerseys from every county - the majority from Dublin !
Neither, we're just aware of the corrosive and damaging influence Munster fans have. I do agree that we are far less inbred, as can be seen by facial symmetry, ear shape, hygiene and general temperament. ;) :p
Of course it could also be a case that no one down the country really wants to bring a jackeen home. It would be a bit embarrassing for us.
Of course it could also be a case that no one down the country really wants to bring a jackeen home. It would be a bit embarrassing for us.
Yes, people don't like being shown up like that but don't be so hard on yourself, there is a significant cohort of boggers who are almost civilised. Some even wash with what could be called regularity. :p Indeed some even understand what uncouth means.
at least the coverage on the radio about Garth means less time spent on the queen(rip) and the new king story
Neither, we're just aware of the corrosive and damaging influence Munster fans have. I do agree that we are far less inbred, as can be seen by facial symmetry, ear shape, hygiene and general temperament. ;) :p
at least ye wont be down for the ploughing ! That requires going beyond kildare
at least ye wont be down for the ploughing ! That requires going beyond kildare
I'd actually love to go, and see where all the Farmers Dole (now called the Farm Assist Scheme) is spent.
Seriously though, is the Ploughing ever held in Munster any more? It must be 20 years since it was held outside Leinster.