1 nurse and 5 bureaucrats to give me a swine flu jab, no wonder the country is broke.

Re: 1 nurse and 5 bureaucrats to give me a swine flu jab, no wonder the country is br

OK, so it wasn't the '5 people and 4 laptops' of your original rant? Nice to see that we are getting closer to the truth now.

No, it was 4 people with 2 laptops and 2 other people with laptops doing work that could also easily and efficiently be done by any of the other 2 people who also had laptops. That's the truth
Re: 1 nurse and 5 bureaucrats to give me a swine flu jab, no wonder the country is br

Do you exercise this kind of 'drive by management' in your day job, where you come to definite conclusions about the effeciency of a process from a single user experience?

If I see a duck waddling down the road and it looks like a duck, waddles like a duck and quacks like a duck then I don't need to examine it in 50 different ways and a hundred different times to know that it is, in all probability, a duck
Re: 1 nurse and 5 bureaucrats to give me a swine flu jab, no wonder the country is br

Just to add some fuel, but not to defend the HSE, it's not the same circumstances. Mainly because it's a more controlled environment where you know the flow or at least have a steady flow of people. In the public centres it could be 1 person turns up, it could be 100.

It would have been difficult to predict the demand at the public centres, so I do have some sympathy.

Employers can engage in the vaccination programme, but they would need to contact an occupational physician rather than the HSE.
Re: 1 nurse and 5 bureaucrats to give me a swine flu jab, no wonder the country is br

No, it was 4 people with 2 laptops and 2 other people with laptops doing work that could also easily and efficiently be done by any of the other 2 people who also had laptops. That's the truth
I must share these pearls of wisdom with my local Tesco/bank/coffee shop. They often have multiple people doing front of house work, but when I walk past, I reckon they really just need 2 people. Easy, isn't it?

If I see a duck waddling down the road and it looks like a duck, waddles like a duck and quacks like a duck then I don't need to examine it in 50 different ways and a hundred different times to know that it is, in all probability, a duck
True, you don't need to examine it in 50 different ways and a hundred different times. One examination would be enough. But you didnt do an examination. You did an experience. An examination would need some behind-the-scenes knowledge, which you don't have.

but not to defend the HSE
Ah go on - give it a try - just once. It doesn't hurt.
Re: 1 nurse and 5 bureaucrats to give me a swine flu jab, no wonder the country is br

It would have been difficult to predict the demand at the public centres, so I do have some sympathy.

Employers can engage in the vaccination programme, but they would need to contact an occupational physician rather than the HSE.

After the initial demand was met I would have thought demand for the service would have been reasonably easy to determine, esp given that there are so many centres set up and the data so fresh?

Looks like a private job then
Re: 1 nurse and 5 bureaucrats to give me a swine flu jab, no wonder the country is br

You consistently argue that posters are not knowledgeable enough to criticise the HSE (or any public sector organisation). That’s fair enough but by the same standard you are not knowledgeable enough to defend them. The same argument can be made to counter criticism of any business, state body, politician or organisation.

Maybe we should all just shrug our shoulders, keep our heads down and not comment on our betters. The last think this country needs is the public casting a critical eye over the institutions of state and their related organisations.
Re: 1 nurse and 5 bureaucrats to give me a swine flu jab, no wonder the country is br

I've explained on several other threads why this would be a pointless exercise,

Have I this right correct - you say in the public sector "there is lots of room for improvement" but making any constructive suggestions would be a pointless exercise?
Re: 1 nurse and 5 bureaucrats to give me a swine flu jab, no wonder the country is br

After the initial demand was met I would have thought demand for the service would have been reasonably easy to determine, esp given that there are so many centres set up and the data so fresh?

Well we don't know do we? This was one visit by one person at one point in time. An hour later it might have been chock full in there justifying the staff.

From the HSE point of view, you've a certain population who may turn up for the vaccine. You don't know when, you don't know where. You have to allocate resources to each centre in advance in order to get them set up.

Ah go on - give it a try - just once. It doesn't hurt.

Having just taken the quote out of context it's far too suggestive for me to even begin to reply to.

Until the HSE meets my expectations of a health service being based on my extensive research of Carry on Doctor and Greys Anatomy, I will never defend it.
Re: 1 nurse and 5 bureaucrats to give me a swine flu jab, no wonder the country is br

Well we don't know do we? This was one visit by one person at one point in time. An hour later it might have been chock full in there justifying the staff.

I see your point, but, given that this is running for months now, they should have a general idea of likely demand. 5 staff for 12 patients seems excessive to me.

Also, as we are not dealing with repeat customers, with so many already having received their jabs, perhaps they should be scalling down the number of staff or consolidate etc?
Re: 1 nurse and 5 bureaucrats to give me a swine flu jab, no wonder the country is br

I booked my appointment on line using a simple web site. When I booked mine the night before there was plenty of available spaces on there accross the day. Therefore it should be relatively straight forward to forecast demand within certain parameters and staff accordingly.

I accept there may have been a rush when the vacination was originally offered but try turing up at any other clinic in the HSE without an appointment and see how far you get. This could and should have been controlled better.

I do believe that some element of the resources used should be redeployed at this stage
Re: 1 nurse and 5 bureaucrats to give me a swine flu jab, no wonder the country is br

Have I this right correct - you say in the public sector "there is lots of room for improvement" but making any constructive suggestions would be a pointless exercise?

Just like constructive suggestions about how to design a new Toyota, or how to manage a hedge fund, or how to build a football stadium would be a pointless exercise. There are two main reasons for this;

1) The people making the suggestions are speaking from a position of ignorance, in the literal sense of the word. They are outsiders to the business in question, just as I am an outside to drugs research or car design. They don't understand the legal obgliations, the political (big P and small p) environment, the resource constraints of the business in question.
2) Even if AAM comes up with the 'magic bullet' solution to 'fix' the public sector, what's gonna happen with it.

We had the PR high-profile 'Ideas Campaign' earlier in the year, which produced a load of hot air, and some PR profile for the players involved.
Re: 1 nurse and 5 bureaucrats to give me a swine flu jab, no wonder the country is br

Actually I have 20 years of data management experience and I don't need to be a qualifed doctor to know that it only takes a few seconds to process a one page form with a minimum amount of basic data on it.
Re: 1 nurse and 5 bureaucrats to give me a swine flu jab, no wonder the country is br

Do you have any info on how this was organised? Did the HSE drive this by contacting your employer, or did you employer contact a GP service etc?

I work in the HSE. There was a committee set up to orgianise it.
Re: 1 nurse and 5 bureaucrats to give me a swine flu jab, no wonder the country is br

So in other words, the only people who know how to improve the public sector are..... the public sector. The rest of us don't have any knowledge, skills, experience, ideas or suggestions that in any way shape of from could contribute to the debate. Am I correct in my understanding of what you are saying?
Re: 1 nurse and 5 bureaucrats to give me a swine flu jab, no wonder the country is br

The difference is that you work in the PS and agree improvements could be made but think suggesting these would be pointless. That's much different to someone with no inner workings of something suggesting improvements.
Re: 1 nurse and 5 bureaucrats to give me a swine flu jab, no wonder the country is br

I work in the HSE. There was a committee set up to orgianise it.

How do you know which employer the OP was referring to?
Re: 1 nurse and 5 bureaucrats to give me a swine flu jab, no wonder the country is br

How do you know which employer the OP was referring to?

My understanding was the OP was a member of the public who attended a HSE run clinic for the general public.

I was simply adding that there were clinics run by the HSE without the need for 5 admin staff.
Re: 1 nurse and 5 bureaucrats to give me a swine flu jab, no wonder the country is br

Would you be surprised if I suggested that the best people to improve drug design processes are drug designers, or the best people to improve car design processes are car designers? What is it about public services that makes people think it is a spectator sport? Rants on AAM are not 'contribution to the debate'. They are rants on a bulletin board.

The difference is that you work in the PS and agree improvements could be made but think suggesting these would be pointless. That's much different to someone with no inner workings of something suggesting improvements.
Just to be clear, I am pointing out that suggesting improvements to the public sector here on AAM is a pointless exercise, given the low level of understanding of public services that is repeatedly demonstrated on these thread.

Actually I have 20 years of data management experience and I don't need to be a qualifed doctor to know that it only takes a few seconds to process a one page form with a minimum amount of basic data on it.
Actually, I have 28 years experience in data management, so nah-na-na-nah-nah. I know enough to know that you don't reengineer a process based on one user experience.
Re: 1 nurse and 5 bureaucrats to give me a swine flu jab, no wonder the country is br

I was simply adding that there were clinics run by the HSE without the need for 5 admin staff.

Perfect, thanks for that.
Re: 1 nurse and 5 bureaucrats to give me a swine flu jab, no wonder the country is br

That sounds more like it
I work in the HSE. There was a committee set up to orgianise it.