Good movies at the cinema

from the Irish Times website

.. the Irish Film Institute (IFI) screening free movies as part of its open day.

The IFI is holding the open day to celebrate the completion of its redevelopment project. It will host a number of free screenings including The Ballroom of Romance, Grizzly Man, 2001: A Space Odyssey and Crazy Heart. The Lives of Others , the winning film from the IFI's recent online poll to find the nation’s favourite film to have been shown at the cinema , will also be screened.

Tickets for all screenings will be available from 11am from the IFI on a first-come, first-served basis with a maximum of four tickets per person.

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The best film I've seen recently was The White Ribbon, at the Lighthouse, but I'm not sure it's on anymore.
Xtra vision have a great sale on at the mo. 4 DVDs 22 euro. I jyst got myself psycho and midnight express, one flew over the cuckoos nest and original inglorious for himself! Looking forward to a nice cold heineken and good film tomorrow night! :)
I loved Up in the Air and would highly recommend it - thought it was entertaining throughout.
Agree The Road is deeply disturbing; but it's almost one of those movies that you really have to see.

Rather like [Godwin alert!] learning about the WWII Holocaust; it's not something pleasant but very important to know.

Having said that I did think about leaving the cinema at one point - it's pretty relentless and not easy to take.

My one serious issue though is the rating of 16A; I brought my 16 yr old son & his friend and had I known more about the content (haven't read the book) we'd have gone to something else.
Saw The Soloist last night - pretty good (thanks Ney!)

Watching Noise tonight - which sounds interesting.

(Edit: pun not intended BTW!)
General advice: avoid Lovely Bones. Not just of you've read the book before hand either, just avoid altogether.
The oscar shortlisted one with the Irish girl is it?

Why, what's the beef Latrade? (Know nothing about it myself except the name)
The one with the oscar shortlisted Irish girl is it?

Why, what's the beef Latrade? (Know nothing about myself except the name)

I difficult without comparing it to the book. I'm not a person for expecting them to stick to the material closely, I'd rather the directors do take their own direction as book and film are two very different media and so there has to be some compromise.

But...the compromise seems to be doing away with the family side of things and her circle of friends. Yet to me that was the main premise of the book. Jackson's view is it's her own "heaven" that should be focus and letting his lackies at WEGA go mental on the CGI. It really is all style and no substance.

So you lose the pretext behind many of the events within her family. I saw it with someone who hadn't read the book and they kind of proved the this at several points (avoiding spoilers) by wondering where "that" had come from or why something had just happened or why somebody had just done something.

Basically, there's just no cohesion to the whole thing and it ends up very disjointed and ultimately boring.

It has its moments, Saoirse Ronan is excellent, but Stanley Tucci steals the whole thing for me. He's excellent and probably worth the admission fee alone if you have to pay to see it.
Saw Invictus over the weekend.

As fan of Eastwood, Freeman, Damon, and anything to do with rugby, I had high hopes for this film, but was a little disappointed. Acting was good, but there were too many cliches for me - most, but not all, white people were, or started out, arrogant and unlikeable, and all black people were almost perfect.

There was at least one editing error in the movie and a spelling error in the closing credits. The usually meticulous Mr Eastwood may not have been totally committed to this movie.

If you don't like or appreciate rugby, don't bother going to this movie.
As fan of Eastwood, Freeman, Damon, and anything to do with rugby, I had high hopes for this film, but was a little disappointed. Acting was good, but there were too many cliches for me - most, but not all, white people were, or started out, arrogant and unlikeable, and all black people were almost perfect.

If you don't like or appreciate rugby, don't bother going to this movie.

Kind of confirms my suspicions. I'm not even a fan of any of the above except MF so I think I'll give this a miss.
Check out 'A Prophet', about a young arab man sent to a french prison who becomes involved with the mafia. Excellent movie

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Wasn't hugely impressed with 'Up in The Air' at the weekend. Just a bit too slow for my liking.
Agree The Road is deeply disturbing; but it's almost one of those movies that you really have to see.

Rather like [Godwin alert!] learning about the WWII Holocaust; it's not something pleasant but very important to know.

Having said that I did think about leaving the cinema at one point - it's pretty relentless and not easy to take.

My one serious issue though is the rating of 16A; I brought my 16 yr old son & his friend and had I known more about the content (haven't read the book) we'd have gone to something else.

With regard to The Road, having read the book, the movie is good but the book is so incredibly written it really doesn't compare. I didn't fined it unduly disturbing, pretty much what one one expect given a dooms day scenario I would have thought. Was also a bit surprised it was 16 as well though.

Precious, I found far more disturbing given that it is based on life in the present day.

Its Complicated, really good for a laugh if you just want some entertainment, a good date movie I would say.

The Brothers, a good movie overall.

Haven't seen the Avatar but will be seeing both The lovely Bones and Invictus this weekend so thanks for the reviews.
Does the movie mention the All Black team getting food poisoning before the final?

That's the first thing I asked my son after he came back from the movie. Maybe he hadn't been paying attention, but he said that there was no reference whatever to food poisoning or anything of that nature.

I guess a touch of realism would have spoiled the 'feel good' ending.
