


Can someone explain to me what 'Gaurdianship' for the Father really is??? The Father of my daughter hasn't seen her in over three months and has denied her for the same period of time last week I recieved papers to say he was applying for Gaurdianship and visitation I got my solicotor to write and say no problem but various people have said 'NO WAY' he doesn't deserve it yet let him prove that he will be around for the next 12months and then review it can I do this in court, put a time frame on it to prove that he will hang around???
but various people have said 'NO WAY' he doesn't deserve it yet let him prove that he will be around for the next 12months and then review it can I do this in court, put a time frame on it to prove that he will hang around???

The opinions of these people are very sad. What's in the best interest of the child is whats important. If the father wants to be involved, it is good for the child.

Yes I know everyone has an opinion but my fear is that he will have controlover MY life . Do you not think that he is just being a pain by asking for it as far as I'm concerned the baby was in hospital on the th December when I contacted him he text me and said "f**k off I don't want anything to do with you she is not mine she is ....................." so as far as im concerned he is only doing this to annoy me??? I'll give it to him but after looking it up on the enet it seems that if he isn't consistant it can be taken back. Has this ever been done before???
If the father wants to be involved, it is good for the child.

Not always. It can be very emotionally upsetting for a child to have an unreliable and inconsistent father on the scene who lets the child down on access arrangements, and/or disappears claiming the child is not his unless it suits him. A bad parent is not a substitute for an absent parent.
Not always. It can be very emotionally upsetting for a child to have an unreliable and inconsistent father on the scene who lets the child down on access arrangements, and/or disappears claiming the child is not his unless it suits him. A bad parent is not a substitute for an absent parent.

Isnt this a reason to get everything formalised? - maintenance deducted automatically, access times agreed which must be adhered to, paternity proven if necessary etc. etc. Whatever difficulties the parents have with one another, they should not take it out on the kids.
Isnt this a reason to get everything formalised? - maintenance deducted automatically, access times agreed which must be adhered to, paternity proven if necessary etc. etc. Whatever difficulties the parents have with one another, they should not take it out on the kids.

Where parties are in agreement, can talk, can negotiate, accept full responsibility and have the best interests of the children at heart, there is almost no need to formalise anything. Where that is not the case, it is extremely hard to formalise anything - particularly access -and even harder to enforce a formal agreement. Someone always has an excuse.

I offered him everything he wanted through my solicitor, access and gaurdianship (which didn't think deserved right now as he hasn't even seen his child in almost 4mths now) but solicitor insisted he'd get it on the day and not to fight it!!! Now he's cum back and changed his mind and says he only wants her 1 day during the week and 1 day every other Saturday also changed the's all to annoy me and nothing to do with the love of his daughter!!! Also he didn't see her or even enquire about her this Christams and stated he wanted her on her birthday and christmas I will fight that, but can I???
Oh also she is going to a creche mon-fri and he obviouysly can't be trusted to be a realiable childminder during the week from his history of the past 4mths???? No doubt the prick will get it though with all this crap about rights of Fathers!!! So annoyed a frustrated by his actions he is only trying to stir me, I honestly would accomidate him if I thought it was for his Daughters benefit but it really isn't. I feel so sorry for the poor little woman. I would like to add that I have a 11yr old with another man and we have never had any of this drama he comes to my house xmas day and birthdays with his wife too and we all get on great and very understanding of the situation for our daughter as WE all have her best interests at heart but finding it difficult to understand why the other fella wants to fight over every detail in question for the next 17 yrs???? I'm thinking Australia before the court date at this point???
Hi, my ex has me up in court shortly looking for guardiianship too. We are split up 4 years and he has never bothered up to now, he owes €5,000 in maintenance arrears and hasn't seen kids in months. He is looking for this now because I wouldn't let him take kids away for a weekend, my eldest doesn;t even want to see him. I understand that the court does not have to give him guardianship if you can prove he wasn't paying maintenance and that he was very inconsistent in the childs life, through no one elses fault. I don't care what the solicitor tells me I am going to fight it, at least if he gets it and I hope he doesnt I be able to tell the court about the reasons I dont want him to have it