Used Car moving between Dealers. Why?


Registered User
Just wondering, I browse the Web like most of us looking for a Used Car deal. This particular car first appeared for sale in the West, then a month or so ago it was for sale at a Dealer in the South, and now it's for sale at a Dealer in the South-East ....

I guess it's feasible that the other Dealers maybe went out of business, but odd that the car would move so far each time.

I just think it stinks a little on the face of it.

Any ideas??

(Yes, I could ask the current Dealer ... but I'm curious what ye think ...)
I think dealers will try and source cars from each now and again.

Punter asks for Car X dealer doesn't have, maybe delear can sort something out with a mate that has a punter looking for his car Y.

No experince just a guess.
It's perfectly normal, especially if it's a main dealer and a car they took as a trade in is not the make they normally sell. They'll often find those more difficult to shift and I know some dealers who have arrangements with dealers of other makes to move suuch trade ins between themselves.
Thanks for the replies. This is a VERY popular MPV and not difficult to sell anywhere, and it's very keenly priced. Just doesn't quite add up .... I wonder could it actually be the Reg plate that's the problem .....

Anyway I'll give the Dealer a good grilling and I might let you know how it goes ...

I know this is an isolated incident but a few years ago I was going to buy a car from a dealer and after an inspection it turned out to have been a heavily crashed and repaired car.
The car appeared a week later in another garage without any mention of the damage or significant price change.
I would be a little suspect after this in case the car is being moved around because the dealer found something about the car that meant they wanted to offload it.
a heavily crashed and repaired car.
The car appeared a week later in another garage without any mention of the damage or significant price change.

I hope you reported the Dealer. Is he still in business?

Just explain exactly why a dealer should be reported (and to who) for offering for sale a repaired car.

I am assuming Manuel that you are not inferring that the repair was not up to standard??
I suppose it depends on whether stefg had asked the Dealer if the car had been crashed before he went to the expense of having an inspection carried out. I imagine he did, but I'm only speculating, in fairness to you.

From National Consumer Agency literature:
Misleading information
It is an offence under consumer legislation to provide false or misleading information to consumers in commercial transactions.

So I suppose I would start with them if I had a complaint. How about you?
I suppose it depends on whether stefg had asked the Dealer if the car had been crashed before he went to the expense of having an inspection carried out. I imagine he did, but I'm only speculating, in fairness to you.

Yes I did ask if the car had been crashed or if there was any problems or issues with the car and the dealer said there wasn't. It was after the inspection that the AA informed me of the large extent of repairs done and that the car had been in a significant accident.

The original post about it is here.

TBH this is bringing back some bitterness for me, it was a terrible experience..

I guess at the time I was just happy to get my money back and get away from the situation but I did not follow up the original posting with the events that happened when I went to collect the cheque for the inspection costs which the dealer agreed to refund me. He got really angry and verbally abusive with me.
I was shocked and I guess embarrassed at the time so I didn't mention post about it but the dealer threatened me with violence and said I was *insert many expletives here* cheeky for contacting carzone (I only did that when he wouldn't take my calls), he seemed to be trying to make a show in front of his employees and took the cheque out of my hand and told me to get out of his garage.

At that point, quite shocked, I turned and walked away saying I was keeping the report and going to go to the guards about the threats he made and I would tell everyone possible about his cars and his attitude. He then came running after me and apologised quietly so his employees couldn't hear (obviously trying to save face) saying this was stressful for him etc and gave me the cheque on condition that I wouldn't go to the guards or badmouth his garage.

I took the cheque and cashed it as soon as possible. A few days later I found another dealer who had a similar but better car and tried to forget about the experience.

It was incredible how much the dealer changed from a nice friendly guy when he thought I was going to buy it to an aggressive and rude low life when it went wrong.

Anyway the car was removed from his listing the next day but appeared in another garage a few days later again saying it had full service history. I was surprised carzone did not do anything about it as the registration was clear to see and matched the details I gave them already, but I guess that is not really their responsibility, they are an advertising service.

Anyway, I went way off topic, but that's why I would be worried about cars going from dealer to dealer... maybe the dealer knows something about the car so he is offloading it elsewhere...