Overreaction to weather

It's ridiculous they announced a full three days off school instead of taking it day by day. Monday might be bad in some places but the forecast for Tuesday and especially Wednesday looks fine (south of the country will be a balmy 5C - 7C). Today is way milder than Thursday/Friday and I reckon by Tuesday it will just be slush everywhere except higher ground.
You keep going on about this Liaconn - anyone would think you had a guilty conscience! ;)

By the way, I wonder how many people who "just couldn't make it in to work because of the life threatening treacherous conditions" managed to make it out to the pub over the weekend? :rolleyes:

No guilty conscience whatsoever, Caveat. I took a day out of my holiday allowance on Thursday because I was completely up to date at work as I had gone in over the Christmas/New Year period and I was in work on Friday even though loads of people weren't. I would not, however, go around trying to make the people who didn't make it in on Friday feel guilty just because I was able to get in.

As for people being able to go to the supermarket or the pub, those places are usually within walking distance of your house, whereas getting to work usually involves a car journey or reliance on public transport. There's a big difference.
5 minutes walk to the supermarket, 35 km drive to work - guess where I'd rather be in the last couple of days ...
Icebergs have been spotted off the Northwest coast, 1km from Arranmore Lighthouse. Madness
5 minutes walk to the supermarket, 35 km drive to work - guess where I'd rather be in the last couple of days ...

Not true I'm afraid. If it was the car parks wouldn't be jammed as well surely?

All the supermarkets I'm chatting about are out of town ones in the big retail parks, no-one lives within 5mins walk of them, especially all the southern reg cars in the car parks (these supermarkets I chat about are in NI by the way).
Did anyone see the news reports (on NI TV to be fair) of families out walking and playing (and indeed chipping at with an axe) on frozen lakes?

Sheer madness. After all the warnings and recent deaths, mothers and fathers actually walk on to a frozen lake with their children, justifying it with the lines "sure it might never happen again, you gotta do it" - sweet Lord, I can't grasp the stupidity of some people.
Not true I'm afraid. If it was the car parks wouldn't be jammed as well surely?

All the supermarkets I'm chatting about are out of town ones in the big retail parks, no-one lives within 5mins walk of them, especially all the southern reg cars in the car parks (these supermarkets I chat about are in NI by the way).

Well, I can only talk for Dublin but the car parks of supermarkets are pretty empty even though the supermarkets themselves are packed to the gills and everyone's in wellingtons and heavy walking shoes.

In fairness also, while I would risk crawling up the road to the supermarket, that's very different from setting off on a 10 mile drive to work in heavy traffic at 7.30am with no idea of what weather conditions are going to be like when you are going home and whether you're going to be forced to abandon the car and walk several miles. Again, it's down to common sense. If you think you might get stuck, or you could be taking a risk, and there's nothing urgent you need to do at work, take leave, offer to work a Saturday in lieu or whatever. For most of us, the world won't come to an end, and the country won't collapse ,if we can't make it in now and again.
Not true I'm afraid. If it was the car parks wouldn't be jammed as well surely?

All the supermarkets I'm chatting about are out of town ones in the big retail parks, no-one lives within 5mins walk of them, especially all the southern reg cars in the car parks (these supermarkets I chat about are in NI by the way).

well, definitely true for me .. I'm expecting a baby in three weeks time and if I can work from home, i.e. my company doesn't pay me for sitting at home doing nothing and I don't need to take any vacation, because a laptop and internet connection do the same job for me from home as it does from my office, there's no big reason for me to take 2.5 hours drive to work /which is a personal experience from Christmas Eve and this weeks Wednesday/. I'm not afraid of cold or snow, I grew up in a country where this would be a normal winter weather, but I don't understand why I should drive on untreated roads, with no grit and salt and no snow ploughs when it's snowing, spending ages on the road. My first driving lesson was actually on snow and ice because our driving instructor insisted on no excuses when we learn driving and I know my way around such weather but I've seen too many muppets on the road who either drove way too slow when unnecessary or took too many risks when the road just simply wasn't ready for that during the last couple of days that it rather put me off.
If somebody uses the weather as an excuse not to go to work but takes the risk of a long drive to north, it's on their conscience and I'm not talking for them.
Did anyone see the news reports (on NI TV to be fair) of families out walking and playing (and indeed chipping at with an axe) on frozen lakes?

Sheer madness. After all the warnings and recent deaths, mothers and fathers actually walk on to a frozen lake with their children, justifying it with the lines "sure it might never happen again, you gotta do it" - sweet Lord, I can't grasp the stupidity of some people.

There are some interesting insights here:


I have 4 children all under 10 and I'm pregnant and all alone (hubby left me with massive debts). Over the last few days I have been afraid to leave my house because I could slip and fall and die. I have no money because of the last budget which suited all the bankers and developers and left us, the poor people who cant get jobs, with nothing. I didn't cause this bust yet the government seem to just let the big guys get away with it with their slash and burn tactics by picking on the most vulnerable in society. Why is the government not calling around to my house to give me loads of food and comfort ? I bet you they do call to their banking buddies. Also my bins have not been collected for 4 weeks and the council have not called around and told me why or gritted my garden so the kids can play in it. Anyone know why this is ? Also, can anyone tell me who I actually sue for any burst pipes I will get ? Do we live in a banana republic ? As soon as the council give me my emigration grant, I will leave this country forever as it stinks. Australia is much safer and have lovely beaches and dont seem to have any poor people. Anyway I digress .......

I have 4 children all under 10 and I'm pregnant and all alone (hubby left me with massive debts). Over the last few days I have been afraid to leave my house because I could slip and fall and die. I have no money because of the last budget which suited all the bankers and developers and left us, the poor people who cant get jobs, with nothing. I didn't cause this bust yet the government seem to just let the big guys get away with it with their slash and burn tactics by picking on the most vulnerable in society. Why is the government not calling around to my house to give me loads of food and comfort ? I bet you they do call to their banking buddies. Also my bins have not been collected for 4 weeks and the council have not called around and told me why or gritted my garden so the kids can play in it. Anyone know why this is ? Also, can anyone tell me who I actually sue for any burst pipes I will get ? Do we live in a banana republic ? As soon as the council give me my emigration grant, I will leave this country forever as it stinks. Australia is much safer and have lovely beaches and dont seem to have any poor people. Anyway I digress .......

Are you taking the mickey?

I have 4 children all under 10 and I'm pregnant and all alone (hubby left me with massive debts). Over the last few days I have been afraid to leave my house because I could slip and fall and die. I have no money because of the last budget which suited all the bankers and developers and left us, the poor people who cant get jobs, with nothing. I didn't cause this bust yet the government seem to just let the big guys get away with it with their slash and burn tactics by picking on the most vulnerable in society. Why is the government not calling around to my house to give me loads of food and comfort ? I bet you they do call to their banking buddies. Also my bins have not been collected for 4 weeks and the council have not called around and told me why or gritted my garden so the kids can play in it. Anyone know why this is ? Also, can anyone tell me who I actually sue for any burst pipes I will get ? Do we live in a banana republic ? As soon as the council give me my emigration grant, I will leave this country forever as it stinks. Australia is much safer and have lovely beaches and dont seem to have any poor people. Anyway I digress .......


I have 4 children all under 10 and I'm pregnant and all alone (hubby left me with massive debts). Over the last few days I have been afraid to leave my house because I could slip and fall and die. I have no money because of the last budget which suited all the bankers and developers and left us, the poor people who cant get jobs, with nothing. I didn't cause this bust yet the government seem to just let the big guys get away with it with their slash and burn tactics by picking on the most vulnerable in society. Why is the government not calling around to my house to give me loads of food and comfort ? I bet you they do call to their banking buddies. Also my bins have not been collected for 4 weeks and the council have not called around and told me why or gritted my garden so the kids can play in it. Anyone know why this is ? Also, can anyone tell me who I actually sue for any burst pipes I will get ? Do we live in a banana republic ? As soon as the council give me my emigration grant, I will leave this country forever as it stinks. Australia is much safer and have lovely beaches and dont seem to have any poor people. Anyway I digress .......

You should tune in to the radio and listen to WII FM. :D
Does anyone know whether the iceberg sighting off Donegal reported in the news yesterday was a hoax ?
A hoax according to Radio 1 this morning. Can't find a link to confirm that though.

Details of the hoaxer here:


Not sure what order the comments are, are they most recent at the top or at the bottom? If it's the latter, then it's interesting that even though the earlier posts show it's a hoax, several news desks from newspapers still wanted hi res pictures to run the story.
Many people have got such a weird view of Donegal as being some far off cold place - coming back from there to Dublin, I have often told people there were icebergs off the coast and they always believed it.