HSE employ 25 people, spend 2m, caring for 2 disruptive children: waste of money??

Re: HSE employ 25 people, spend 2m, caring for 2 disruptive children: waste of money?

And how would you know they are bad parents before they "breed"? Also you can have an out of control child without having particularly bad parents, or they could be orphaned, or have a mental illness.....its not as simple as you seem to think.

Who would adopt these children, and how would you legislate for forced adoptions? I'm afraid you are talking complete rubbish.....

I would say bad parents include the following: drug addicts, drunks, complusive gamblers, child abusers physical or sexual, other criminals who spend their lives in and out of prison and have no care or consideration for their children. Of course you can have an out of control child but in a lot of cases it seems to be a family affair where all the children end up involved in crime. In those cases I would suspect the parents have a responsilility..

The main point I was making is that people who know they would be "bad" parents should not have children. If I were any of the above I think it would dawn on me not be become a parent because the only one likely to be suffer would be my child.
Re: HSE employ 25 people, spend 2m, caring for 2 disruptive children: waste of money?

If I were any of the above I think it would dawn on me not be become a parent because the only one likely to be suffer would be my child.

If you were one of the above you wouldnt even be thinking about the consequences of your sex life, youd be too busy looking for your next fix, drink, criminal activity etc...

I hardly imagine many children with parents in the above situation are planned - unless the planning centres around how much money can be squeezed from social welfare as a result of another child.
Re: HSE employ 25 people, spend 2m, caring for 2 disruptive children: waste of money?

By their very nature "bad" parents would not be expected to engage in family planning and avoid having children. Easiest way in my book is to make parents responsible in the courts for their children's actions...perhaps something like one third of the normal sentence/fine.
Re: HSE employ 25 people, spend 2m, caring for 2 disruptive children: waste of money?

I would say bad parents include the following: drug addicts, drunks, complusive gamblers, child abusers physical or sexual, other criminals who spend their lives in and out of prison and have no care or consideration for their children. Of course you can have an out of control child but in a lot of cases it seems to be a family affair where all the children end up involved in crime. In those cases I would suspect the parents have a responsilility..

The main point I was making is that people who know they would be "bad" parents should not have children. If I were any of the above I think it would dawn on me not be become a parent because the only one likely to be suffer would be my child.

Hmmm, starting to sound like that wonderful philosophy of eugenics...
Re: HSE employ 25 people, spend 2m, caring for 2 disruptive children: waste of money?

Hmmm, starting to sound like that wonderful philosophy of eugenics...

I did not mention anything about the disabled so don't pin that on me. The disabled do not choice their disability as a lifestyle the others mentioned do
Re: HSE employ 25 people, spend 2m, caring for 2 disruptive children: waste of money?

I did not mention anything about the disabled so don't pin that on me. The disabled do not choice their disability as a lifestyle the others mentioned do

And neither did I nor was disability the basis of Eugenics. It was about things considered hereditary traits like low IQ, criminality, social class, inferior race etc.
Re: HSE employ 25 people, spend 2m, caring for 2 disruptive children: waste of money?

And neither did I nor was disability the basis of Eugenics. It was about things considered hereditary traits like low IQ, criminality, social class, inferior race etc.

I understand your point but we both know that the word eurenics usually leads to another word - Nazi - and to accusations of being in sympathy with their views. that is not my opinion.

Children have a hard enough time of it without being burdered by bad parents, thats all I meant
Re: HSE employ 25 people, spend 2m, caring for 2 disruptive children: waste of money?

Children have a hard enough time of it without being burdered by bad parents, thats all I meant

I couldn't agree more, but the sentiment of controlling who can and can't have kids does have certain implications. Any restriction on having kids based upon what a select few deem to be a model parent isn't that far off the eugenics model.
Re: HSE employ 25 people, spend 2m, caring for 2 disruptive children: waste of money?

Children cannot choose their parents but parents can choose whether they have children or not.... if adults choose to have kids then it is their responsibility to look after them. If parents do not want to look after their offsprings then the HSE should take action and send these parents to parenting classes...as well as making sure that they care and support their children financially . Parents that are not able or willing to take responsibility for their children then fostering parents should be consider or adoption.

Surely teachers and or other disciplines should have noted when children were not attending school and report it to the relevant authorities.

I am sure if children were attending school especially in their early years then their lives would have been so much different for them.

In the UK if children do not attend school then the parents are fined or sent to prison for neglecting their duties as parents.

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Re: HSE employ 25 people, spend 2m, caring for 2 disruptive children: waste of money?

In the UK if children do not attend school then the parents are fined or sent to prison for neglecting their duties as parents.
And how's that working out for them, in terms of eliminating violent and anti-social behaviour by teens/young adults?
Re: HSE employ 25 people, spend 2m, caring for 2 disruptive children: waste of money?

Are saying that it is the childrens fault that they are not educated and have bad parents?
Re: HSE employ 25 people, spend 2m, caring for 2 disruptive children: waste of money?

Are saying that it is the childrens fault that they are not educated and have bad parents?
I'm not saying anything. I'm just asking a question.
Re: HSE employ 25 people, spend 2m, caring for 2 disruptive children: waste of money?

I am sure there are statistics on the web if you care to look it up...personally I do not have the time to do this for you...:)
Re: HSE employ 25 people, spend 2m, caring for 2 disruptive children: waste of money?

No, I don't care to look it up. I'm confused now. Are you actually recommending fining/jailing parents as a solution the problem of disruptive children?
Re: HSE employ 25 people, spend 2m, caring for 2 disruptive children: waste of money?

I'm not saying anything. I'm just asking a question.

Maybe you should try saying something the odd time rather than just asking questions, it is a discussion forum after all.