Tell us your GOOD NEWS?


Registered User
Hey all,
I havent been around in a few weeks, I was made redundant and getting my head around that these days... I was having a few worrying days this week, trying not to spend too much but also spending enough to still have a fab xmas with my family... Pee-ed off with people asking me when I am getting a job? when will I look for a job etc etc? Sick of telling people I aint looking for work I am taking time out for myself and my baby (I am actually sick but I aint sharing that with most)...
Then today, I have really good news to share...
My Son WALKED! He just took off! I was so shocked, still am! He is flying around the house all evening. I am the proudest person alive tonight!
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Congrats Bondgirl .. see there's more to life than money or work!
Hope you get better soon, as sounds like you're going to need a lot of energy chasing that little son of yours around and around the house...

Merry Christmas & 2010
My Son WALKED! He just took off! I was so shocked, still am! He is flying around the house all evening. I am the proudest person alive tonight!

Big congrads! He'll be very clumsy now for awhile as he's too young for shoes. If you have a camcorder make sure you get him crawling as he will do a lot less of this in the coming month. Have a great Xmas and worry about 2010 in 2010!
My Good news!

I got married two weeks ago!

It was a fantastic day.

And we've still got our honeymoon to look forward to!

And congrats Bondgirl!:D

Happy new year everyone.:)
My good news is that I got good news in relation to a health issue. (Don't worry Mods...I wont breach guidelines!:)) Load off my mind. Happy New Year one and all.
The good news for me is that 2009 is finally over. The worst year ever for me.

So long 2009

Roll on 2010!
Morning all,
Its great to see so many of you hopefuly for this new challenging year we have ahead of us!
How has Xmas been? We were all sick, I still am, so didnt get outside the door! In bed now on my new laptop checking in here, as have a few Qs for everyone on other forums.
First thing I did for the new yr, was book a Pilates Class to do every Wed morning! I know it sounds silly, but no point saying, oh my new yrs resolutions etc are this that and the other we never stick to them, so start with one thing for yourself, to make yourself a happier person inside and then it will spread to the rest of yourfamily...
As the saying good, a happy wife = a happy life (although I aint a "wife just yet LOL)
Congrats BG or Bg's baba!!

My good news is that I've returned from the southwest to Dublin and now have running running water....wooohooo. I'll soon be clean!!!
Had a rubbish 2009 - Dad sick - break in to the house( with me in it on my own) the big 4...oh....not lucky in love (but unlucky in love means lucky in money - I think)

but....coming into 2010........I have a job (which I kind of like) and it pays the bills......

roll on 2010.......this is my year....i can feel it............
I got married a few days before Xmas! We are together ten years and happy as clams! :)
Leeds United 1, Manchester United nil. I'm sorry I'll read that again, Leeds United 1, Manchester United nil.
My beloved United knocked out of the Cup. Now we can focus on the Premiership and Champions League!
I got a paycut :(

But over the break I managed to get some work done in my home that Ive been putting on the long finger for a good while!
wow this is turning out to be a good happy thread.
I am hiring a skip this friday and by god I am going to have fun filling it!!
Don't forget to give anything useful to charity, BG. Enable Ireland are looking for clothing if you have any that has more use in it.

Hmm - good news - nothing too startling - it snowed over Christmas :) buses may not like it but I do!
I've started working on a CD. I resolve to have it finished by August. That's my good news.
My little one has just started saying Da :D. However she has her tongue between her teeth and it sounds like tha so it could mean anything :confused: - I live in hope!