The Pope should resign

Well I cant make the pope resign and while I would love to see all the cardinals and bishops from the past 50 years in a court of law and convicted of child endangerment - i dont see that happening. So what i did is defect from the RC church and have let them know my reasons.

(No allegiance - just a very disgruntled soon-to-be ex-Catholic)
If me or you interferred with/abused children, be it now or 30 years ago, and were duscivered, we would be arrested immediately and get a well deserved prison sentence for a very long time.

So can someone please explain why we aren't seeing loads of clergymen being arrested on the news and gets banged up??

This is baffling me at the minute.

RMCF, I agree. Some of the priests in the Murphy were laicised i.e. just let loose on society. I would like to know what is happening to protect people from those priests which are still alive.
The RC Church is a continuation of the Roman Empire and should be seen in that context. It acts as if its word was law (in the secular sense) and has all the corruption of age old unquestioned power while failing to realise that time has left it behind.

I agree.
I am constantly amazed how our law enforcement is ignoring this issue and is not going around rounding up these cardinals/priests, but then again I don’t understand most what our ruling elite is doing.

As to Mr. Ratzinger, as a head of state he unfortunately has diplomatic immunity so even if he would come to Ireland nothing our ruling elite could do.

I think we should all remember that these criminals have allegiance to a foreign country and ruler so if Mr. Ratzinger would be genuinely interested in getting this sorted, I’m sure he can find some old law in his library (or make up a new one) that would allow to have these criminals tried in his own state.

But what do you expect from a member of the Hitler Jugend who protected concentration camps and protected people rounding up Jews?
But what do you expect from a member of the Hitler Jugend who protected concentration camps and protected people rounding up Jews?

I think that's completely irrelevant, surely you don't want to start muddying the waters on this by starting off some discussion about what he did or didn't do when he was in Hitler Jugend (as most German boys were at that time).
I think that's completely irrelevant, surely you don't want to start muddying the waters on this by starting off some discussion about what he did or didn't do when he was in Hitler Jugend (as most German boys were at that time).

I completely disagree, how he behaved in those times and what he did during that times is part of his overall personality. He did nothing to not endanger his career in the church.

His behavior as chief of the Holy Office of the Inquisition in investigating the abuse was exactly the same as he dealt with his time in the HJ: Excuses, obstructions and an attempt to suppress the truth.

It’s not muddying the waters; it’s showing where he is coming from. He only tried to disobey once it was clear that the war was over. Similar to what he is doing now. It becomes clear that the church is standing on a breaking point, so he starts trying to make excuses and align himself with the good guys.

He always makes it seem as though all the problems, violence, and hatred existed outside his local community when he talks about that time. And he did the same with his approach to the sex abuse (which is not only an Irish problem).

There is a saying “a leopard does not change it spots” and that fully applies here.

He is dealing with this outrages behavior of his people in the same way he is dealing with his muddy past.
St. Nicolaus was a actually a bishop, wasn't he, so I'd guess yes /though not by the vatican, obviously/.

Sorry I had presumed you were speaking of the mythical figure 'Santa' rather than Nicholas who was indeed a real person.
If me or you interferred with/abused children, be it now or 30 years ago, and were duscivered, we would be arrested immediately and get a well deserved prison sentence for a very long time.

So can someone please explain why we aren't seeing loads of clergymen being arrested on the news and gets banged up??

This is baffling me at the minute.

They should be locked up forever but as can be seen from the continued list of weekly cases of abuse from non clergy men that have committed horrendous crimes against children, the actual punishment is lame.
Men and women who commit these crimes should see life imprisonment as their punishment at the very least, but it is often almost as galling as reading about the abuse as it is to read about the short jail terms that are handed out.
I have said in another post that I think we should expel the Papal Nuncio and break off diplomatic relations with the Vatican since they instructed Irish citizens to hold its laws as paramount and therefore to ignore the law of this land, in this country, when dealing with criminal acts. The Vatican is now a hostile state and should be treated accordingly.
If the Papal Nuncio exhorts Irish people to disobey state law, his employer should be asked to account. Then, if there is no result from the Vatican, the PN should be expelled, the Vatican once again asked to recant their earlier directives and, if no joy, be ostracised as a rogue state. A little freeing up of it's vast landbanks, moneymaking activities and an end to it's tax concession would concentrate it's mind a little and/or kill two birds with the one stone.
They should be locked up forever but as can be seen from the continued list of weekly cases of abuse from non clergy men that have committed horrendous crimes against children, the actual punishment is lame.
Men and women who commit these crimes should see life imprisonment as their punishment at the very least, but it is often almost as galling as reading about the abuse as it is to read about the short jail terms that are handed out.

Thanks for the reply but it still doesn't answer my question.

If my name was published or mentioned as being a child abuser, the guards would be straight round my door, arresting me.

So why isn't this happening on a daily basis to priests, bishops etc?
Sorry I had presumed you were speaking of the mythical figure 'Santa' rather than Nicholas who was indeed a real person.

strictly speaking both ...
first of all - a pope isn't God's representative on Earth - never heard of God claiming he's a Catholic so unless we have a signed testimony from above, any pope is just a head of the Catholic Church and the highest state representative of the Vatican. that said, he is a political and diplomatic figure, nothing else.
the motives behind an election of a pope have less to do with their holiness and more with their : age, ranking, suitability of ideas /wasn't Ratzi chosen because he is particularly arch-conservative/ etc. ...
that said, a pope is not chosen, he is elected and can resign ...
St. Nicholas was at the beginning of the Santa legend though I'd have my doubts there were actually any alcoholic reindeer in Turkey at the time and the tradition to start a mass with Ho Ho Ho surely did not become popular.
Thanks for the reply but it still doesn't answer my question.

If my name was published or mentioned as being a child abuser, the guards would be straight round my door, arresting me.

So why isn't this happening on a daily basis to priests, bishops etc?
True and its unfortunate that any power was and is used by the church to aid its members, there is no logical reason as to why the Gardai don't do this, so the question should be put to them as the power ultimatly lies with the State.
strictly speaking both ...
first of all - a pope isn't God's representative on Earth - never heard of God claiming he's a Catholic so unless we have a signed testimony from above, any pope is just a head of the Catholic Church and the highest state representative of the Vatican. that said, he is a political and diplomatic figure, nothing else.
the motives behind an election of a pope have less to do with their holiness and more with their : age, ranking, suitability of ideas /wasn't Ratzi chosen because he is particularly arch-conservative/ etc. ...
that said, a pope is not chosen, he is elected and can resign ...
St. Nicholas was at the beginning of the Santa legend though I'd have my doubts there were actually any alcoholic reindeer in Turkey at the time and the tradition to start a mass with Ho Ho Ho surely did not become popular.
Yes the Vatican state that he is Gods representative on earth, that is of no interest to me, but the Pope is chosen by the vatican. I don't see any difference between elected and chosen.
first of all - a pope isn't God's representative on Earth - never heard of God claiming he's a Catholic so unless we have a signed testimony from above, any pope is just a head of the Catholic Church and the highest state representative of the Vatican. that said, he is a political and diplomatic figure, nothing else.

I agree, the Bishop of Rome (which Mr. Ratzinger is) is simply the figurehead of the church, let’s remember that strictly speaking Pope is not even an official title.

that said, a pope is not chosen, he is elected and can resign ...

If I’m not mistaken the Bishop of Rome can resign at any time, in fact 332 §2 of the Code of Canon Law envisions such a resignation. See here: .

If my name was published or mentioned as being a child abuser, the guards would be straight round my door, arresting me.

So why isn't this happening on a daily basis to priests, bishops etc?

Now come one, since when our guards enforcing the law that the ruling classes pass towards our ruling classes. What do you think this is? A Democratic state where everybody gets treated the same?

But I’m sure that if you get arrested your local parish priest will be in the court room together with other supporters and help you through the difficult time blaming your victims as they had it coming.

True and its unfortunate that any power was and is used by the church to aid its members, there is no logical reason as to why the Gardai don't do this, so the question should be put to them as the power ultimatly lies with the State.

Now correct me if I’m wrong but given that this is widespread, the people in charge in the church did aid and help those criminals doesn’t that make the church a criminal organization? Maybe we should bring in the CAB?

Now I’m not saying that everybody in the church is guilty here but as long as they don’t get their act together we should treat them as such. For me until they have expelled all criminals out of their organization and completely co-operated with the law they are a criminal organization.
Yes the Vatican state that he is Gods representative on earth, that is of no interest to me, but the Pope is chosen by the vatican. I don't see any difference between elected and chosen.

chosen sounds more .... hm ... let's say, as if really given the office by divine powers ...
vatican is no divine power, it's a community of elderly diplomats ..
however, if someone is elected, then surely he can resign?
chosen sounds more .... hm ... let's say, as if really given the office by divine powers ...
vatican is no divine power, it's a community of elderly diplomats ..
however, if someone is elected, then surely he can resign?

Whatever about our choice of words, i would imagine he sees it as a blessing and not a job, so resignation is not on the cards.
Whatever about our choice of words, i would imagine he sees it as a blessing and not a job, so resignation is not on the cards.

If resignation is not on the cards then the Catholic Community worldwide should sack him, simple as that. It should not remain the job of a bunch of perverts to elect a boss for millions.