Dozens sympathise with sex offender

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I have absolutely nothing productive to add simply because I am left dumbfounded by the actions of these people. Not only their actions, but their response to the media and their subsequent statements. I just don't, don't know. I actually cannot process what's happened to any logical or rational thought other than extreme anger and disillusionment with my fellow human beings.

There are still apologists for the clergy and everything we've learned there, so maybe I shouldn't be so surprised. But to hear the latest statement refer to the victim as the "so-called victim", it verges on anger overload that I regress to a catatonic state of rage.

I did some work for the KRCC a couple of years back, their work is fantastic and against the strongest odds and hindrences too. It's a small miracle that the case proceeded about let alone resulted in a conviction in the first place without this disgrace.

It's sad that no amount of media attention, facebook groups, radio phone-ins are going to change their minds. If the evidence put in front of the courts couldn't open their eyes, then nothing else will.

My only last thought is that if you think this right now is bad, wait until he's released. We all know he's going to get a "hero's" welcome.
I think my post has been misinterpreted. I meant that due to the intrinsic predatory nature of the male species under the influence of alcohol to lessen restraint, reason and inihibition, if a person - in this case a woman who is normally physically weaker - is under the influence of the same substance then quite obviously they are exposing themselves to increased risk.

BTW, inebriation is not acceptable for either gender.

I don't support the convicted man but this case may be more complex than the simplistic, gingoistic way it is being commented on due to the fact that both parties may have been inebriated.

I don't think your post was misinterpreted at all. In fact, you have just confirmed above what people understood you were saying. Disgusting attitude.
I am actually stunned..... I dont think he can apply any logic to his arguement...scary!
I think my post has been misinterpreted. I meant that due to the intrinsic predatory nature of the male species under the influence of alcohol to lessen restraint, reason and inihibition, if a person - in this case a woman who is normally physically weaker - is under the influence of the same substance then quite obviously they are exposing themselves to increased risk.

BTW, inebriation is not acceptable for either gender.

I don't support the convicted man but this case may be more complex than the simplistic, gingoistic way it is being commented on due to the fact that both parties may have been inebriated.

I and lots of others here dont believe we have misinterpreted your post.

As another poster just said,you have confirmed it by posting the above.

Maybe you would like women to wear burkas to save these poor unfortunate predatory males you speak of..

why dont you try banning women from drinking alcohol just in case some of those males you speak of get any ideas.

Cop on to yourself,you in my opinion are a disgrace.
I think my post has been misinterpreted. I meant that due to the intrinsic predatory nature of the male species under the influence of alcohol to lessen restraint, reason and inihibition, if a person - in this case a woman who is normally physically weaker - is under the influence of the same substance then quite obviously they are exposing themselves to increased risk.

BTW, inebriation is not acceptable for either gender.

I don't support the convicted man but this case may be more complex than the simplistic, gingoistic way it is being commented on due to the fact that both parties may have been inebriated.

Oh thats all right then. :rolleyes:

I am a member of a male species and I certainly don't have a instrinsic predatory nature when I am sober or drunk so speak for yourself there.
Alright so man gets drunk and woman gets drunk and then engage in drunken intimacy. Result: man is totally to blame.

Have you read any of the reports? When was the last time you carried a woman to a skip to engage in drunken intimacy?
Labour Party Spokesperson on Health
Thursday, 17 December, 2009


The manner in which up to 50 people are reported to have queued up in a
Tralee courtroom to shake the hand a man who had just been convicted of a
vicious sexual assault was shameful and indicates that there are some
people who are still not prepared to treat sexual crimes with the
seriousness they merit.

I am sure that the majority of decent people of Listowel were as repulsed
as the rest of the country at this show of support for a convicted sex

We already know that many victims are reluctant to report rapes because
going to court can be such an ordeal. There is a danger that what happened
in the courtroom in Tralee will make victims even more fearful

People who are convicted of serious sexual offences should be shunned and
not treated as some sort of victim or even a hero.

I believe that this case emphasises the need for an educational campaign to
make society aware of the shocking damage that can be done by rape and
sexual assault.
Oh thats all right then. :rolleyes:

I am a member of a male species and I certainly don't have a instrinsic predatory nature when I am sober or drunk so speak for yourself there.
No, maybe he has a point; if a man assault a woman it's her fault for being attractive. She should cover up her hair and face, only go out with her father/ husband/ brother or adult son and when doing so walk 3 steps behind them with her eyes cast downward in case she accidentally sets some innocent young man into a frenzy of sexual desire.

Yep, maybe that's the solution. :rolleyes:

... or maybe as adults we have the right to say "no".
Alright so man gets drunk and woman gets drunk and then engage in drunken intimacy. Result: man is totally to blame.


There is a difference between drunken intimacy and sexual assualt. If you are confused about the difference between these two events I suggest you educate yourself as a matter of urgency.
I emailed a message of support to the Kerry Rape Crisis Centre and included a link to this thread, so hopefully she will see what the people here think.

The email address is:

Thanks for email address truthseeker. I have sent a message of support just now.
i heard his brother being interviewed on newstalk 106 this morning..he came acoss as more levelheaded then the priest that was on yesterday,he said it was wrong that the woman was being snubbed and refused service in some local shops ect...but that his first consern had to be for his brother and family at the moment.
what's wrong with this site? you're not allowed talk about a head cold because of medical issues, but it's ok for someone to come on here and basically says it's a women's own fault that she gets raped/sexually assulted? can the mods not remove the offensive posts or close the thread???
what's wrong with this site? you're not allowed talk about a head cold because of medical issues, but it's ok for someone to come on here and basically says it's a women's own fault that she gets raped/sexually assulted? can the mods not remove the offensive posts or close the thread???

Why close the thread or remove those posts? The poster is being pilloried for their views, which in my view is far better than trying to sweep it all under the carpet as if to suggest this view doesn't exist.
Poster must be a 'he'.


This so-called civilised and logical society which so many contributors seem to be part of can easily be dispelled:

1) Why do men 'chase' women? Like it or not ultimately for sexual reasons. A man should exercise restraint and courtesy combined with a woman having the assertiveness and presence of mind to at the very least temper his advances.

2) If a man were seen to be leading a drunken woman away suspicions would be raised. If a woman were seen leading a drunken man away nothing would be thought of it or, more than likely, observers would think well of them for their benevolence.

Obviously because of a difference in biological make-up.

3) Why are decent law-abiding men with no history of sexual misbehaviour - from groups of sportsmen to armies - capable of indulging in gang rape given the opportunity?

It's not acceptable but an unfortunate dark side to their biological make-up

4) Not related to any court case but just to illustrate the often illogical human nature:Why do people reproduce when there are compelling economic and ecological reasons not to? Why don't they just restrain themselves?

We might think ourselves sophisticated and civilised and therefore 'above all of that' but we aren't really.

This is my last post on this and I have to say I'm shocked and dismayed at the simplistic tabloidesque mentality on AAM that is so easily exposed.

You are shocked and dismayed?? Your views are disgusting and I worry about any woman who may find themselves in your company.
Yorky has a point when he says that if a women is drunk she is at increased risk of attack. That she should not be at increased risk would be an ideal society but we do not live in anything near an ideal society. I as a female would not walk down the street at night on my own fully clothed, because I know that I increase the risk to myself of an attack. Men are stronger than women and some men are predatory. It doesn't just apply to women of course, some men prey on other men. Biologically it's impossible for a woman to rape a man, and in any case he would nearly always be able to overpower her.

Where I take issue with Yorky is in the post where he states that could blame be shared in this particular case. This is a case where the men plied the drunk women with more drink, she stated she was sick from drink and on CCTV camera he draged her to a skip, which he denied many times until he was shown the TV image, he only got caught because the police came upon the scene and only went to court because the women was strong enough to take the case. Yorky you should read what the judge said about this sexual predator if you are in any doubt as to the motives of this case. I think the judge very very clearly spelt it out.
Yorky has a point when he says that if a women is drunk she is at increased risk of attack. That she should not be at increased risk would be an ideal society but we do not live in anything near an ideal society. I as a female would not walk down the street at night on my own fully clothed, because I know that I increase the risk to myself of an attack. Men are stronger than women and some men are predatory. It doesn't just apply to women of course, some men prey on other men. Biologically it's impossible for a woman to rape a man, and in any case he would nearly always be able to overpower her.
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Poster must be a 'he'.


This so-called civilised and logical society which so many contributors seem to be part of can easily be dispelled
1) Why do men 'chase' women? Like it or not ultimately for sexual reasons. A man should exercise restraint and courtesy combined with a woman having the assertiveness and presence of mind to at the very least temper his advances.

2) If a man were seen to be leading a drunken woman away suspicions would be raised. If a woman were seen leading a drunken man away nothing would be thought of it or, more than likely, observers would think well of them for their benevolence.

Obviously because of a difference in biological make-up.

3) Why are decent law-abiding men with no history of sexual misbehaviour - from groups of sportsmen to armies - capable of indulging in gang rape given the opportunity?

It's not acceptable but an unfortunate dark side to their biological make-up

4) Not related to any court case but just to illustrate the often illogical human nature:Why do people reproduce when there are compelling economic and ecological reasons not to? Why don't they just restrain themselves?

We might think ourselves sophisticated and civilised and therefore 'above all of that' but we aren't really.

This is my last post on this and I have to say I'm shocked and dismayed at the simplistic tabloidesque mentality on AAM that is so easily exposed.
Having read the above post..

I for one am happy that its your last post on the subject...
Why close the thread or remove those posts? The poster is being pilloried for their views, which in my view is far better than trying to sweep it all under the carpet as if to suggest this view doesn't exist.

would would happen if people came on here sporting Nazi/racist views etc? The above posts were so out of line that i'm sure they would have a deep impact and cause undue stress on any individual who read them who had experienced abuse/assault/rape previously imo.
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