Impending Coup:Trade Unions are talking tough about taking down the government.

Re: Impending Coup

This whole tread is a bit mad (ted). The people as a whole have being threatening governments like this since the foundation of the electoral system here? Intrest groups have always hinted/threatened the sitting goverment with its demise should their demands not be met. Its a fop, mothing more. Don't take it so seriously. ICTU know perfectly well that thier membership won't vote for any particular party based on any union instruction. If they did then Labour would have an overall majority.

The best and most sinister example of this type of rubbish in recent times was 1997 when the Independent ran a front page editorial entitled "Its payback time" just before the general election.

Re: Impending Coup

I dont think we'll see a violent revolution or anything like that (at least I hope we dont), but I'm am sensing deep unease among a lot of people. I'm not talking about your usual left wing nuts who are always dissaffected and always protest. I mean ordinary generally mild mannered sensible people.

I remember saying on this forum before the last election, that this Government will be the last stand of the gombeen man. I am 100% certain that this is the case. I have a sense that the mood is similar to that in eastern Europe in the couple of years before the fall of the Berlin wall. When the mild mannered middle classes get agitated, the Government is in serious difficulties. While I would not rule out the possibility of the Government falling via peaceful protest ala fall of the Berlin wall, I do believe that when the next election comes, whether it be weeks or years away, FF will be about as popular as the Stasi are in eastern Germany. There are FF members I know who will not even vote for their own party (and will not be renewing their membership). I think we'll see a big change in Irish politics with no place for gombeen man TDs.
Re: Impending Coup

This whole tread is a bit mad (ted). The people as a whole have being threatening governments like this since the foundation of the electoral system here? Intrest groups have always hinted/threatened the sitting goverment with its demise should their demands not be met. Its a fop, mothing more. Don't take it so seriously. ICTU know perfectly well that thier membership won't vote for any particular party based on any union instruction. If they did then Labour would have an overall majority.

The best and most sinister example of this type of rubbish in recent times was 1997 when the Independent ran a front page editorial entitled "Its payback time" just before the general election.


Saying you are going to bring down the Government through the ballot box is not what the IBOA leader was talking about. He was talking about trying to bring down the Government through industrial action. I would of thought the objective of industrial action is to defend your members interests. If you decide to politicise your campaign and make bringing down the Government your objective, you have crossed the line and have become a threat to democracy in this Country.There is nothing to stop the trade unions setting up their own political party and getting a mandate at the next election.
Anyway even ICTU have backed away from his comments. Like I say before, I have no idea what the IBOA are complaining about anyway. They should be on their knees thanking the taxpayer and the Government. And I say that as a banker.
Re: Impending Coup

Saying you are going to bring down the Government through the ballot box is not what the IBOA leader was talking about. He was talking about trying to bring down the Government through industrial action. I would of thought the objective of industrial action is to defend your members interests. If you decide to politicise your campaign and make bringing down the Government your objective, you have crossed the line and have become a threat to democracy in this Country.There is nothing to stop the trade unions setting up their own political party and getting a mandate at the next election.
Anyway even ICTU have backed away from his comments. Like I say before, I have no idea what the IBOA are complaining about anyway. They should be on their knees thanking the taxpayer and the Government. And I say that as a banker.
Perhaps Larry Broderick should be concentrating more on the upcoming threats to jobs and pay in AIB !
Re: Impending Coup

Perhaps Larry Broderick should be concentrating more on the upcoming threats to jobs and pay in AIB !

And all the other banks! Of course he will start coming out with all this rubbish about 'how our members didn't cause this crisis'....Well either did the people who have lost their jobs, the public sector employees, the poor, the disabled etc etc. Doesn't change economic reality.
Re: Impending Coup

I dont think we'll see a violent revolution or anything like that (at least I hope we dont), but I'm am sensing deep unease among a lot of people. I'm not talking about your usual left wing nuts who are always dissaffected and always protest. I mean ordinary generally mild mannered sensible people.

I remember saying on this forum before the last election, that this Government will be the last stand of the gombeen man. I am 100% certain that this is the case. I have a sense that the mood is similar to that in eastern Europe in the couple of years before the fall of the Berlin wall. When the mild mannered middle classes get agitated, the Government is in serious difficulties. While I would not rule out the possibility of the Government falling via peaceful protest ala fall of the Berlin wall, I do believe that when the next election comes, whether it be weeks or years away, FF will be about as popular as the Stasi are in eastern Germany. There are FF members I know who will not even vote for their own party (and will not be renewing their membership). I think we'll see a big change in Irish politics with no place for gombeen man TDs.

FF’s biggest asset is still in place though and that has to be taken into account; Mr. Enda Kenny
Re: Impending Coup

And all the other banks! Of course he will start coming out with all this rubbish about 'how our members didn't cause this crisis'....Well either did the people who have lost their jobs, the public sector employees, the poor, the disabled etc etc. Doesn't change economic reality.
Economic reality and the Banks !
It may offend you but of course if he did say that IBOA members did'nt cause the crisis then he would be quite correct.
I'm sure that all his members in both AIB and BOI who received the increases due under the first tranche of the National Wage Agreement are grateful to the IBOA , I believe that he currently is in negotiation with BOI re paying the second tranche.
Re: Impending Coup

So the bank staff are completely ignorant of how banks should operate, while quite possible it's an embarassing defense.

The IBOA was pretty anxious to grab as much as they could of the illusury earnings the banks were reporting up to 2008, via profit sharing and share schemes. Effectively the taxpayer is now picking up the tab for these profits.

They probably argued at the IBOA employees were at least partly responsible for those earnings (the usual postion for demanding profit sharing), which would be at odds with the current position of it was all them other fellas fault.

As late as June 2008 the IBOA were moaning about members not getting enough bank shares - whose value was inflated by those abnormal earnings. Not much talk of getting payment via shares these days though, since the IBOA lately discovered socialism and want nationalization instead. The perfect example of capitalize the profits, socialize the losses.
Re: Impending Coup

I am sure it's all talk and waffle from the unions. Still though, such talk is a threat to the Republic. The threat from the Gardai is a far more worrying one IMO.

One way or another it should be made clear to any one that threatens the Republic that swift action will be taken against sedition.
Re: Impending Coup

I am sure it's all talk and waffle from the unions. Still though, such talk is a threat to the Republic. The threat from the Gardai is a far more worrying one IMO.

One way or another it should be made clear to any one that threatens the Republic that swift action will be taken against sedition.
Lock them up in the Tower and get the rack out !
Heads on spikes perhaps ?
Re: Impending Coup

Lock them up in the Tower and get the rack out !
Heads on spikes perhaps ? to first suggestion - they'll have a nice vacation from your taxes
2. no to second suggestion - this wouldn't go through due to hygienic reasons ...
Re: Impending Coup

FF’s biggest asset is still in place though and that has to be taken into account; Mr. Enda Kenny


anywho if the unions want the current mob out what are the new mob goign to do. Reverse all the the cuts??? I dont think so.

As for revolution.. is there really a stomach for it? Its not like the unions represent folk down mines for 12 hours a day.


Black & white view from an oridnary joe.The govt f&cked up and are imposing cuts but yet have money for the banks. The unions talk of savage attacks and treated like the 2nd class citizens and i think Begg made a reference to being discriminated against, yet they are in graunteed fulltime jobs in the worst recession in history.
Both the govt who seem cluess and the union leaders who are socialist lefties on 6 figures sums are so far removed from the the ordinary guy that both camps are actually clueless and its all about spin and whos the better BSer. This is the way i see it, bring the EU or IMF and tell just sort this out, no vested interest no spin no politics. If banks are to go under let them fail, if cuts are wrong/unfair dont cut. If banks are to be saved, save them and if cuts are to be made make them and leave it a that and we all start again.
Re: Impending Coup

Lock them up in the Tower and get the rack out !
Heads on spikes perhaps ?

I know that your being facetious but there really IS an offence on the irish statutes of sedition and IMHO it should be pointedly waved at Begg et al, indeed the Gardai too.
Re: Impending Coup

Why stop there ?
Why not wave the edict on treason in front of a coterie of Bankers,Developers and Politicians ?
Re: Impending Coup

Why stop there ?
Why not wave the edict on treason in front of a coterie of Bankers,Developers and Politicians ?

There is a strong case that these people committed treason as they have threatened the very existance of our State in its current form. Certainly their actions over the past years in terms of thumbing their noses at the State are very very unpatriotic.
Re: Impending Coup

David Begg is the leader of a lobby group. Accusing him of treason is a bit much. If anyone was to be charged with treason for the damage they have done to this country it should be Bertie Ahern.
Re: Impending Coup

David Begg is the leader of a lobby group. Accusing him of treason is a bit much. If anyone was to be charged with treason for the damage they have done to this country it should be Bertie Ahern.
plus 1
Re: Impending Coup

David Begg is the leader of a lobby group. Accusing him of treason is a bit much. If anyone was to be charged with treason for the damage they have done to this country it should be Bertie Ahern.
Nobody on this thread accused David Begg of treason , sedition was the worst he was accused of .
I believe the difference is that he could only be drawn and quartered , he would be spared disembowelment - typical I say , the Government are too easy on Unions !
Re: Impending Coup

David Begg is the leader of a lobby group. Accusing him of treason is a bit much. If anyone was to be charged with treason for the damage they have done to this country it should be Bertie Ahern.

+ 20Billion