secret tape recording



My question is this, If I am being bullied and I caught the bully making threats on a tape in my bag but he is unaware of this can I use it in Court? I have gone to a solicitor but I have not told him about the tape in case it gets me into trouble.
appreciate your help!
AFAIK, if you are doing it secretly (which you obviously will be) it has to be in a public place at least. Not sure what counts as 'public' though.
Well I hope jdavis isn't your real name or you might be in trouble anyway!

We all watch American and English TV Cop programmes and there's a privacy issue.

You have to disclose this to your solicitor, but, in for a penny in for a pount - I don't think a single taped instance is credible.

It could be argued that you set him up for that particualr occasion, couldn't it?

I'd be more believing if I saw several instances with several different people in the background whom you could call on to corroborate your allegations.

This isn't an approval of secret filming BTW, but you should take legal advice on it - there may be a means to show it or undertake legal surveillance of the subject if its repeatable.

If this happened at work, for example, there may in fact be a way for you to have such surveillance undertaken legally by your employer, who may have a duty to prevent bullying in the workplace.


I believe that as long as you are participating in a conversation yourself with another there is no problem with recording it?
there was only the 2 of us in an office so no other witness and he does not know that the conversation was taped
You can get devices that record your home phone conversations and I was always under the impression that once one party was aware that a conversation was being taped that it was legal.

Keep recording .... get legal advice ... this will determine whether you use or delete it.
if i tell my solicitor does he have to tell the accused solicitor, if so when?
You can get devices that record your home phone conversations and I was always under the impression that once one party was aware that a conversation was being taped that it was legal.

Keep recording .... get legal advice ...

+1, keep recording. As ONQ pointed out your employer may have a duty to prevent bullying in the workplace but often its difficult to prove and you have to look out for yourself.

Good luck ;)