Warning to cross-border shoppers for Christmas

I don't see anything wrong with this article? Why would the indo care if you shop north or not.
Its just a news story. And it's newsworthy is it not?

The thread title is the only manipulation and spin around here as far as I can see.
Its just a news story. And it's newsworthy is it not?

The thread title is the only manipulation and spin around here as far as I can see.

Talk about waiting in the long grass, sheesh! Get over it.
Talk about waiting in the long grass, sheesh! Get over it.

I remember a time when shooting the breeze used to be fun and you could do just that... shoot the breeze, now you give your opinion and you're a bully or some other such pc rubbish!.

Give us back our shooting the breeze and stop feckin back biting will you!
I remember a time when shooting the breeze used to be fun and you could do just that... shoot the breeze, now you give your opinion and you're a bully or some other such pc rubbish!.

Give us back our shooting the breeze and stop feckin back biting will you!

Why have you aimed that comment at me? I am the one "shooting the breeze" in that I started the thread!

I'm not sure who the "bully" comment is directed at, so I'll leave it there.
Why have you aimed that comment at me? I

Because whilst you started the thread, the minute somebody commented you accused the poster of 'waiting in the long grass' presumably referencing a disagreement in another thread!

Perhaps you should get over it!
I don't see anything wrong with this article? Why would the indo care if you shop north or not.

Good question - although I wouldn't go so far as to say they care. They've certainly been pushing the "stay-at-home" line though:




etc etc...
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The exchange rate discrepancies onto my fortune
Or to take flight up to Newry to the Queens pound
And by opposing end them?
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The exchange rate discrepancies onto my fortune
Or to take flight up to Newry to the Queens pound
And by opposing end them?

Excellent stuff.

Thinking about this whole cross-border shopping thing - I have definitely noticed the price of groceries coming down over the past 6 months or so. I wonder how big a saving remains by going up the North?

On a related matter, and possibly worthy of its own thread, what would be the categories of purchase for which people have noticed price drops, and those that have remained static, or even gone the other way?
eg. Groceries I would say definite price drops; Insurance definitely up etc etc