Why are mobile phone packages so much more expensive here compared to the UK?


Registered User
A friend of mine was telling me at the weekend she gets 300 mins talktime and unlimited texts for £15 a month. I pay €50 for 200 mins and 200 texts.

Is there a particular reason why there is such a difference. Is it purely down to the increased competition in the UK?
Smaller market for a start.

Less competition keeps prices up.


( dont laugh )

.....and this is for dongle broadband............

10GB over 30 days in ROI with PAYG is E25 incl VAT this allows no extra charge romeing ( that would be roaming to a Bishop or higher ) to other 3 networks ( UK + ???? + Austria -6 countries in all )

Or you can buy from UK 3 7GB over 30 days with PAYG for £20 ( incl very low VAT ) which does not allow for no extra charge roaming

Of course many people say that 3IRL broadband is Carp, Carp, Carp others suggest it is just CR@p



( in a stiff collar )

( dont laugh )

.....and this is for dongle broadband............

10GB over 30 days in ROI with PAYG is E25 incl VAT this allows no extra charge romeing ( that would be roaming to a Bishop or higher ) to other 3 networks ( UK + ???? + Austria -6 countries in all )

Or you can buy from UK 3 7GB over 30 days with PAYG for £20 ( incl very low VAT ) which does not allow for no extra charge roaming

Of course many people say that 3IRL broadband is Carp, Carp, Carp others suggest it is just CR@p



( in a stiff collar )

Who is that from in Ireland? I thought roaming abroad was always extra?
Less competition.

People willing to pay more.

Less shopping around, more inertia.

Higher costs, esp property costs.
Didnt our government give away the 3G licences for nothing while the UK got some serious cash from auctioning theirs off ?
Irish people aer just willing to pay much more :D

Kinda, i think Irish people just cant be bothered looking around for the cheaper option also less competition as said above.

You defo right about the price. Look at the prices of the phones the UK companies offer when signing up! Lots of high end phones for free on this and that tarriff.

OP - do you use all the texts and minutes? Look at the bundles on offer, free call to own networks, look at your bill and see how you can make a saving!?
There used be better deals here eg. 13c off peak calls

But many people switched to more expensive packages that gave "free" texts.

Calling mobile phones is also a rip off.