Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come from?


Registered User
Ok. The Public Sector gets 12 days unpaid leave next year. But the Goverment needs to cut spending by €20bn over the next 5 years. With this fudge PS employees will have an extra 60 days off at the end of the process and it still wont cover the shortfall. So there are next years 20% cuts to come from and the next years and next years and the next years?
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

one thing struck me about this unpaid leave business, particularly for nurses - I suspect they'll all get hired back in as agency nurses at double the cost when the wards are short staff, so where's the gain?
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

Ok. The Public Sector gets 12 days unpaid leave next year. But the Goverment needs to cut spending by €20bn over the next 5 years. With this fudge PS employees will have an extra 60 days off at the end of the process and it still wont cover the shortfall. So there are next years 20% cuts to come from and the next years and next years and the next years?
You say that like it's a benefit for staff!:confused:
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

I don't think the Government will agree to it in the end. They will see what the reaction to the deal is and pull back. If they do go down this road, they have lost all credibility, the budget should not pass a Dail vote and a General Election should be called.

Surely even the unions know that this is a crazy solution for a lot of their members.
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

If it does go ahead public servants will get their weekly or monthly pay docked by 5% over the course of the year, rather than just when they take the 12 days. Otherwise it would be a nightmare for salaries section.

It is not clear how the 12 days are to be taken. Even some of my colleagues are unclear how it is all going to work or whether it is workable at all.

The only advantage I can see for the government is, as this does not affect public sector pensioners (like the pension levy) it might make it more attractive for people to go if they have their full 40 years service or even a bit early.
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

I don't think the Government will agree to it in the end. They will see what the reaction to the deal is and pull back.

Lenehin getting hammered on the radio this morning so you might be right.
What odds on a leadership challenge to Cowen?
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

To answer the original question:

The following years' cuts will now come from the IMF. I would guess around April 2010. The government has shown it is incapable.
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

Lenehin getting hammered on the radio this morning so you might be right.
What odds on a leadership challenge to Cowen?

1000/1 - who would want to take over in this climate?

It's a no-win situation at this stage - entirely of their own making but still a no-win situation.
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

Who does this deal benefit?

Who was negotiatiing the deal?

Are they the same people?

This is an absolute joke.
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

I know this is slightly off-topic but after watching the trade union leaders coming in and out of Leinster house for negotiations I can't help but think of those on social welfare. They are in the worst position of all with NO jobs but don't get any say on cuts to their rates. It seems very unfair, especially when you consider that concessions won by unions will most likely mean greater cuts for welfare recipients.
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

1000/1 - who would want to take over in this climate?

It's a no-win situation at this stage - entirely of their own making but still a no-win situation.

Fianna Fail are going to lose the next election anyway. Lenehin was not part of government prior to 2007 and has been seen as been reasonably capable be many commentators. He is young enough to be leader of the country in 5 years time so might not be a bad thing to go into opposition as leader of Fianna Fail and let the other parties ake the hard decisions.
It would probably be Fianna Fail's best chance of only spending one term in opposition.
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

Fianna Fail are going to lose the next election anyway. Lenehin was not part of government prior to 2007 and has been seen as been reasonably capable be many commentators. He is young enough to be leader of the country in 5 years time so might not be a bad thing to go into opposition as leader of Fianna Fail and let the other parties ake the hard decisions.
It would probably be Fianna Fail's best chance of only spending one term in opposition.

You're probabaly right but to think that they would EVER be re-elected makes me shudder :eek:
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

Who does this deal benefit?

Who was negotiatiing the deal?

Are they the same people?

This is an absolute joke.

It benefits no one. Uniformly cutting pay would have been a blunt enough solution (as opposed to targetted lay offs and pay cuts) but uniform cuts in hours is ridiculous.

I reckon Cowen just wants the ground to open up and swallow him at this stage. He must be completely out of touch with reality. Non public sector workers will be infuriated as will public sector workers (Extra holidays for less pay will still upset the majority of them)
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

The following years' cuts will now come from the IMF. I would guess around April 2010. The government has shown it is incapable.

I think you're right. This decision is madness and is an insult to both public and private workers. It basically says that public service is overstaffed and puts in a temporary pay cut. Its a fudge. The govt should quit talking to the unions and fix the deficit.
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

Extra holidays for less pay will still upset the majority of them)

Unbelievable!! When someone in the Private Sector has their hours reduced do you call it 'extra holidays for less pay'. This just proves that you can put a negative spin on anything.
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

I haven't said it before, but I am saying it now.
Brian Cowen, resign.
He has no cajones, and we need someone with cajones right now to save this country from bankruptcy.
Let the IMF or EU or whoever come in here and fix this country. Because unfortunately, we don't seem to be able to fix it ourselves.
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

It benefits no one. Uniformly cutting pay would have been a blunt enough solution (as opposed to targetted lay offs and pay cuts) but uniform cuts in hours is ridiculous.

I reckon Cowen just wants the ground to open up and swallow him at this stage. He must be completely out of touch with reality. Non public sector workers will be infuriated as will public sector workers (Extra holidays for less pay will still upset the majority of them)
PS pensioners and those nearing retirement age.

It also disproportionately affects those on lower incomes as they lose a bigger proportion of their tax home pay. It was also highly likely that any pay cuts would have been graduated, having little or no effect on those below 30K.

So who does this deal benefit?

PS Pensioners.
PS employees nearing retirement age.
High paid PS employees.

Everyone else gets screwed.
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

Unbelievable!! When someone in the Private Sector has their hours reduced do you call it 'extra holidays for less pay'. This just proves that you can put a negative spin on anything.

I really don't understand where you're coming from here.
Unpaid leave does equate to more holidays and less pay.
That's not spin
I don't intend to make it sound better or worse than it is.
I'd use the same phrase if it was my job.
If you think I'm trying to work some angle here you're just being paranoid
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

PS pensioners and those nearing retirement age.

It also disproportionately affects those on lower incomes as they lose a bigger proportion of their tax home pay. It was also highly likely that any pay cuts would have been graduated, having little or no effect on those below 30K.

So who does this deal benefit?

PS Pensioners.
PS employees nearing retirement age.
High paid PS employees.

Everyone else gets screwed.

Good points. It just shows how many undesireable consequences arise when the tinkering begins.
Re: Pub Sector get 12 days unpaid leave, where are the following years cuts to come f

I really don't understand where you're coming from here.
Unpaid leave does equate to more holidays and less pay.
That's not spin
I don't intend to make it sound better or worse than it is.
I'd use the same phrase if it was my job.
If you think I'm trying to work some angle here you're just being paranoid

How can unpaid time be 'holidays'. Do you call your weekends 'holidays'. We are having our hours cut and that is what people call it in the Private Sector. Calling it 'holidays' implies its some kind of benefit or treat for public servants. And yes, a lot of us are 'paranoid' given the crap we've had to take from the media and message boards over the past year.