Attendant filled car with wrong fuel


Registered User
An attendant filled my diesel car with petrol. Half an hour later car gave up. Breakdown service got car to mechanic. He tells the bad news and if the flush doesnt work I need to replace injectors. This is going to be expensive.

Question is can I get the offending garage to compensate me ? What should be my next move ?

Any help much appreciated
I would contact my car insurance provider. It may be covered under accidental damage.
Did you get a receipt for the fuel? Do you know the attendant who served you? Do you call there regularly? How come you didn't notice until after you drove off?
I was in the shop while car being filled. Paid the total. Attendant had moved on when I went back to car. No reason for me to be suspicious. Was passing thru but I would recognise the attendant. I'm currently looking for my reciept. Could be in the car with the mechanic !
... I'm currently looking for my reciept. Could be in the car with the mechanic !
I hope you can find it as any redress you might have probably revolves around this piece of paper.

I've noticed a growing trend when presenting plastic in filling stations - I get a transaction docket out of the card-reader, but no till receipt. When I request a till receipt (as I always do) the request is often greeted with a deep sigh, eyes cast to heaven and the martyr's put-upon look.
My heart sunk when I read your post. I may not have gotten a VAT reciept. The garage will have cctv, a record of the transanction, surely this must be made available if I pursue a legal route (really dont want this). I do not think my insurance covers this, will check though. Im so angry, cannot afford this. Thanks for the comments
Just sourced some information for you. If you have comprehensive insurance you can claim under that. Your insurance company will then follow the garage to recover the costs of your claim. Its very important that you let the garage know what as happened as soon as possible. CCTV at the garage will verify your claim. Maybe the garage owner will check that out and deal directly with you.
Thanks Ann1, heart has lifted again !

Only found this out in the last few hrs, so will make my calls asap 2moro.

Down the country on busy routes, I find many attendants in action, quicker turnaround for garages at busy periods.

Lesson learnt - make sure they pick up right pump before heading in for munchies
Why should the OP lose his NCB. Get in contact with the Garage immediately and advise your solicitor. Tell the Gardai your circumstances and they will make sure that the CCTV is not taped over. And OP, your name is wrong: LuckyG should be UnluckyG.
mercman, I know u are right. The insurance is something to fall back on if I get no joy. The garages initial reaction will tell it all, whether Im in for a battle. Never thought of the guards.
Don't know if you will have much joy with the Gardai. Its not really their job to intervene in cases like this. It's strictly a civil matter between you and the garage and it's not the role of the gardai to investigate or even to preserve the CCTV.
Did you clearly state to him that it was diesel?? If so then I'd go back everyday until I confronted him personally.

Also a friend filled his diesel Superb with petrol a few months back and it only cost around E100 to get it sorted.
Question is can I get the offending garage to compensate me ?

Are you sure it was the Attendants fault, if it was you should look for compensation.

Did you pull up at a petrol only pump, or was it a dual petrol/diesel pump?

Did you ask the Attendant to fill it up, or fill it up with diesel?

Is there any notice on or around your fuel cap that says ‘’Diesel Only’’?
It is much easier and less costly to repair a diesel with petrol pumped into it rather than vice versa. There really is not much point in bringing the car a garage that is going to make a federal case of the situation. The Gardai might not do much, but well at the very least they should be advised of the matter.
Luckyg don't go to the guards. This was an accident. Once the garage owner puts a member of staff on a forecourt to fill petrol he has a 'duty of care' to his clients and their property. The owner is very aware of his responsibility and will be insured to cover this type of mishap.
Did you know that AA have a section called AA Fuel Assist that deals solely with this problem. Figures show that this happens approx. 150,000 times a year in the UK.
The attendant filled it and I definitely told him to fill it with diesel. Remember clearly this point. It was a dual pump.

Will let you know what happens.