Murphy Commission - A real reason to Stand Up

thank goodness some people can stand up and be counted.

I think great credit is due to some members of the guards.

The report has also praised the work of junior gardaí and singles out Garda Finbar Garland who was so shocked and disgusted by the acts of former priest Bill Carney that he investigated with speed and efficiency.
The report found that Bishop James Kavanagh's attempts to influence the process were not successful because lower ranking Gardai did their job properly.
I wonder if they ever managed to progress in the force or were they always in the junior ranks because of their integrity and willingness to challenge the corrupt systems that they had encounterd?

Re: thank goodness some people can stand up and be counted.

I think great credit is due to some members of the guards.

I wonder if they ever managed to progress in the force or were they always in the junior ranks because of their integrity and willingness to challenge the corrupt systems that they had encounterd?


I saw that, Marion, and I have to say that it must have taken serious liathróidí for him to stick to his guns.

If the Garda member in question hasn't been promoted before now, I'd be rushing to the bookies to throw a few bob on him getting the reward he deserves.

I might put a few bob on the Bishop of Limerick also.............
I hope some journalist will investigate Garda Finbar Garland's story and share it with us. It is a veritable David and Goliath story.

I hope some journalist will investigate Garda Finbar Garland's story and share it with us. It is a veritable David and Goliath story.


Agreed! Wouldn't it be great to hear the full story? He must be made of stern stuff!
Agreed! Wouldn't it be great to hear the full story? He must be made of stern stuff!
The full story has got to be investigated from it's infancy. Any superiors who blocked investigations should be charged. A slap on the wrist is not the answer. Gardai in high places and ministers, who had participated in putting the investigation on the back burner, should be roped in and be publicly questioned. A few leading questions should be asked of Opus Dei and their aficianado Mr Woods. The Knights should have to open their membership for inspection by the public. In Vincent Browne's programme last night there was a lot of obfuscation by Diarmuid Martin. Going round the houses with his answers did him no favours. In this case it is a black and white case. He should have called a spade a spade.
Mpsox' idea of a Day of Remembrance is a great idea for the future. I am sorry to say that we are not there yet. Hopefully some day we can see all those involved behind bars and justice done. It is to the great shame of the Church that the following is still happening:

"LETTERS SENT to the Vatican and the papal nuncio in Ireland seeking information on clerical sex abuse cases were ignored, the Dublin diocesan report disclosed yesterday.
In September 2006, the commission wrote to the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith seeking information on reports of clerical child sex abuse sent to it by the Dublin archdiocese over a 30-year period. It also sought information on the document Crimen Solicitationis, which deals with clerical sex abuse.
The congregation did not reply.
Instead, it contacted the Department of Foreign Affairs stating that the commission had not gone through appropriate diplomatic channels. As a body independent of government, the commission said it did not consider it appropriate to use diplomatic channels.
In February 2007, the commission wrote to the papal nuncio in Dublin asking that he forward all documents relevant to it and which had not been or were not produced by the Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin. It also requested that he confirm if he had no such documents.
The papal nuncio did not reply.
Earlier this year the commission again wrote to the papal nuncio enclosing extracts from its draft report which referred to him and his office, as it was required to do. Again, there was no reply."
I am really sickened by this report - to be honest I cant understand how people go to mass anymore. Any other institution would have been shut down years ago but the Church is protected by the word 'religion'. For me religion is unproven fairytales that have been 'edited' thru the centuries to suit the institution's needs.
An abused orphan was a mere plaything to sicko priests/brothers and a hindrance to the hierarchy of the church who strove to protect there exalted position.
Orphans were more than that, they were a source of cash.
The papal nuncio did not reply.

The papal nuncio should be expelled from Ireland forthwith.

Those that aided and abetted should be dealt with starting with him.

Show the victims we are on there side, I don't care how nice and kind the current bishops are. They are all old enough to have been part of the whole thing.

I don't for one minute believe that it was not Church policy to hide the paedophile priests who raped and abused innocent children. These men in control, the bishops together with the vatican representative had to sit down together and make a policy decision on what to do with the evil monsters in their midst. It's quite amazing that each and every Bishop did the same thing.

Their current posturings and contrition is the same. A complete and utter sham.

I wonder did they keep notes on their meetings, the Church is good at book keeping and minutae. What would a freedom of information request unearth?

I don't know how they still control our schools. They are a total and utter abomination.

The truth is nothing will be done and the victims forgotton. Most of the victims have in any case gone unrecorded because anyone to whom it happened will prefer to erase it from their memories.
It appears we removed the law of misprision of felony in 1998. That could mean that those who covered up will never face trial.
i really dont understand this cover up & secrecy thing.
Imagine being involved in a sports club with different age groups and you found that a coach was raping kids, how does the idea of cover up even enter someones head!!! Surely you want them out & prosecuted (probably beat them 1/2 to death). Not move them to another age group in the club or send them to another team. Again how does "we need to cover that up" enter someones head, its a sick thought process and have others agree. Im not even talking about the offences themselves. I palpatate when i hear about this stuff.

Any other organiziation would not exist today if it had that level of offences and cover ups.

Prosecute, prosecute, prosecute and take all assets!!!!

I'm 100% with this response.

I cannot believe that we let an organisation basically run this country for the last few hundred years who, although meant to be caring and Christian, performed and covered up some of the most heinous acts you could imagine.

If some of these acts were carried out against adults it would be shocking, but to do them against poor defenceless children in just so sick its untrue. And to cover this up, along with the help of the Gardai, is just a damning slight on our country as a whole to those looking in.

Over the last few decades I have become so disillusioned with the Church that I would really love to disown it completely. I do not practice my faith too much (do I have any faith?) but these sort of events would make you turn your back on it so easily. I have a new baby on the way shortly and nothing would make me happier than not to have him/her baptised into this evil organisation, letting the child decide for itself when it is old enough if it wants to be a Catholic or not. Only problem with this whole scenario is that it would cause massive internal problems within the entire family circle. I would probably be an outcast and disowned myself, so like many others who would love to make a stand, I will just have it baptised and say "Thanks a lot" to the Church who has performed some of the greatest evil in recent times.

All these reports will stand for nothing if the perpetrators aren't hunted down like the vermin they are and put away. I don't care if some of these men are in their 70s and 80s, they need to be hunted like Nazi's, cos in my mind they are no better. Same goes for the Gardai involved. If you are in place to uphold the rule of law and you let young children get raped and do nothing about it, you are as bad as the rapist.

Shame on everyone involved in this and other abuse scandals. I hope we have a vengeful God and you all meet him some day.
It appears we removed the law of misprision of felony in 1998. That could mean that those who covered up will never face trial.

Who changed the law? Any links between that person and the Church, Opius Dei perhaps.
Who changed the law? Any links between that person and the Church, Opius Dei perhaps.

Nora Owen was the Minister.

What I have found so far is the following quite shocking statement from the, you'll love this bit, Child Protection Services, Archdiocese of Dublin. It was pulished in 2006.

"In this connection also it is worth noting that there had been much mistaken talk of an obligation to report derived from common law misdemeanour of misprision of felony. The obligation to report was confined to serious crimes only or felonies (which the one we are discussing certainly is) but did not relate to a failure to report on the part of a legal advisor or doctor or clergyman or where the failure to report was to avoid attracting a prosecution against oneself. However, with the introduction of the Criminal Law Act of 1997 (s. 3. (1): All distinctions between felony and misdemeanour are hereby abolished.) the offense of misprision of felony has disappeared altogether. The act created the new offense of concealing an offense but it only applies to those who accept a consideration (bribe) for agreeing to conceal the offense. (Criminal Law Act, 1997 s. 8)"

The whole article can be found here [broken link removed]