Anybody lives in Mount Garret in Tyrrelstown?


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Last weekend, we viewed a house in Mount Garret in Tyrrelstown. Nice house but we noticed there are several high voltage eletricty towers along the estate. The towers are about 200m to the house. Wonder if there is any danger being so close to those towers?! Any impact from magnetic field? :confused:
We live in Tyrrelstown - though not in Mount Garrett but near enough to these towers also.

We investigated them before we bought and we were assured that they are fine. Some of the lines actually come off small wooden posts (you can see them across the farmers fields surrounding the estate) and the towers are the last stop before they go underground.

I don't think any of them have more than 3 lines (you see some towers which have up to 6 or 7 electricity lines on them which are higher voltage) but the ones near Tyrrelstown aren't those higher voltage ones.

I don't believe the houses would be permitted to be built beside them if they were not safe.

Mount Garrett is a nice quiet area of the estate and there are great facilities up at the shops - we love it here. Any more questions go ahead and ask.

Best of luck with your decision.
In response to your question - not yet:)

We were hoping to have got somewhere and be in by Christmas, but I doubt that's going to happen now. We were in for one place but were gazumped (surprised to see that it still happens!). So we're back to looking again and revisiting previously viewed properties.

We've been looking around there and were out again yesterday. After this post I had a look at the power lines mentioned because to be honest I'd never really noticed them.

We rented around Tyrrelstown a few years ago then moved but now we're moving back for two reaons. First we realised we really like living around there because there are plenty of decent facilities in the vicinity (nice having a couple of Superquinns close!!) and secondly to be closer to work - instead of a long drive, it'll be a short bike ride for the commute.

We also thought if we were going to move we should get in before the new M3 and M3 / M50 freeflow junction is finished because I reckon that will make the place a lot more accessible and bump up prices a bit.

The power lines wouldn't bother me because they're not high voltage or high tension (we don't have any of those in Ireland). They're just distribution wires - how close are they to the house you are interested in?
IMHO, Tyrrelstown is not an area I would like to live in - most of the houses are rentals and with the current economic crisis the whole area seems to be going down as well - there were big plans for Tyrrelstown during the boom, what with the new shopping centre and the Park Plaza Hotel but right now they are almost dead.
i know some people who rented houses there and they keep complaining about increase in criminality and anti-social behaviour over ther e...
IMHO, Tyrrelstown is not an area I would like to live in - most of the houses are rentals and with the current economic crisis the whole area seems to be going down as well - there were big plans for Tyrrelstown during the boom, what with the new shopping centre and the Park Plaza Hotel but right now they are almost dead.
i know some people who rented houses there and they keep complaining about increase in criminality and anti-social behaviour over ther e...

I wouldn't agree with that entirely - although when we lived there originally we rented!!!

The SC has gone in and Blanch is quite close for the bigger shops. We're moving back because of the facilities and because we want a decent sized property with a decent sized garden - in short we think there is a lot of value there.

We were in the hotel last week (Tuesday) for a meal after a couple of viewings and it was fine. I've had a look at the gym in the NAC and its great (pricey, but well equipped) so I'll be signing up there or in Ben Dunne's (not too keen on Ben's gym though, but he is cheap!). I always liked the layout of the place - plenty of green spaces and curving roads rather than the geometric blocks you see in other places.

We've friends there (Mount Eustace) from the last time and they've not mentioned any problems and they're acting as our "local agents" identifying when properties come up.

But I suppose different people have different experiences - ours are generally positive. No chance your friends are feeling a bit resentful they rented instead of bought?
In response to the question "by who" my brother is an Environmental Health Officer and he did his Thesis on this very subject and was therefore able to assure me that they were absolutely fine.

Also in relation to the person who said that facilities were closing down I don't think thats a fair view of things - lots of things are closing down all over the country and I think Tyrrelstown is actually doing quite well - the hotel seems to do great business, the coffee shop closed down and is already advertised as under new ownership and re-opening soon. The video shop closed down (but it was always going to find it hard going with the numbers on its immediate doorstep) and a new shop is up and going there. The new lighting shop is open and looking great - people will come from miles around to shop there I reckon (I know my mam used to travel to one near Christchurch). Also the veterinary hospital will be great for bringing people into the area too. I think Tyrrelstown is well placed for shops like this with the new link road going in.

I have never had a problem with anti social behaviour and I have lived here for nearly 9 years - you get the odd incident, like anywhere, but even things like the odd graffii gets cleaned up in a matter of days by the management company - there are well established estates in the country who can't say that!

Bicylceboy - go for the NAC I would say, Ben Dunnes place is packed to the wrafters and they got rid of the swimming pool - the NAC is great I love it - ask for Glen (sp?) to do your induction, he did mine and he is always checking up on me to see how I'm doing.
But I suppose different people have different experiences - ours are generally positive. No chance your friends are feeling a bit resentful they rented instead of bought?

absolutely not - they felt quite lucky not to own the house ....