List: November 24th - What services will not be availalbe on this "protest day"?

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Re: November 24

mention the press and they fold................i don't need a union to get results.

Do Government Depts care about press coverage? My impression is that journalists can take a flyer with any allegation regarding a Government Dept, whether true or not, and not worry about getting sued for liable. Some journalists publish stuff that if it were said about any private company, they would get sued into oblivion.
Re: November 24

I have a mixture of union and non union staff.

Non union staff are expected to come into work.

In relation to payroll deduction - the union should provide a list of the members to the employer.
Re: November 24

mention the press and they fold................i don't need a union to get results.

Having worked in a number of Govt Depts I find that hard to believe. The reality is that Dept. of Finance will issue guidelines to all Depts to cover the situation you mention.
Re: November 24

My building will also be closed and I'm not in a union, the majority of the people I work with are in a union so don't want to be the "scab" passing the picket that day, so what to do, don't want to waste a days leave either by taking the day off.
Re: November 24

My building will also be closed and I'm not in a union, the majority of the people I work with are in a union so don't want to be the "scab" passing the picket that day, so what to do, don't want to waste a days leave either by taking the day off.

I refuse to use my leave, i will turn up and if i can't gain entry then it is out of my control. I presented myself for work, what more can i do.

YOBR, the press issue was used in relation to another incident ( and it worked )
Re: November 24

Just out of interest what will posters do here with their kids that day i.e there will be no school so will they have to take a day off?
Re: November 24

Just out of interest what will posters do here with their kids that day i.e there will be no school so will they have to take a day off?

Well you're not allowed apply for annual leave now so if you do take the day off, you loose a days pay. Bit unfair as its outside of some parents control.
Re: November 24

Nice stuff in our meeting this morning. We've just had clients cancelling work as a result of the stike to the tune of 20K so far.

Cheers comrades.
Re: November 24

A great example to our next generation. How can we take any teacher seriously when they can't do simple math and realise we are goosed without cuts.

I am filling up with rage at the arrogant self-serving attitude of this shower of ingrates. I hope they freeze on the picket line.
Re: November 24

Th stoppage on the 24th is going to make a difference....... like Fcuk !

GET a grip people, country is on edge of a cliff and ye vote to strike, at least the payroll bill for that week will be 1/5 less than normal ! And I used to think teachers were smart people !

Re: November 24

All depends on who goes in strike. Some of the public sector workers I know are not union members and wont be on strike. Whereas a lot of public sector workers are in unions, as it is not mandatory to be a member, a high proportion arent members. I would assume that there will be skeleton services provided by the non-union members assuming they can get access to their places of work.
And assuming that they are happy to cross a picket. I suspect that some(many?) may not be willing to do so.
Re: November 24

Not sure thats true. I would work in the education sector and although there will be no teaching, I definitely have one meeting that is going ahead that day.
There won't be any union members at the meeting.

Nice stuff in our meeting this morning. We've just had clients cancelling work as a result of the stike to the tune of 20K so far.
What kind of work has been cancelled?

A great example to our next generation. How can we take any teacher seriously when they can't do simple math and realise we are goosed without cuts.
They've done the maths. They've already taken their cuts. They are ready to be part of any fair solution, but they are not going to be the soft target.
Re: November 24

Is the strike only for public sector workers? I'm in a union in the private sector and I have heard absolutely nothing.
Re: November 24

Is the strike only for public sector workers? I'm in a union in the private sector and I have heard absolutely nothing.

I wasn't sure myself but apparently so far yes, just public sector unions/workers.

Looking for a day off then? ;)
Re: November 24

I wasn't sure myself but apparently so far yes, just public sector unions/workers.

Looking for a day off then? ;)

Only if an allowance is paid for the allowance missed by being on strike! ;)
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