Pat Kenny and the Frontline audience member

I recently paid my licence fee....160euros....its a lot of money for an average earner.
And RTE get advertising revenue as well.Apart from news,current affairs and sports RTE don`t actually produce many programmes...I mean they have no genuine rural/farming soap which is a disgrace. I think the licence fee is just too much for what we are getting.The huge salaries need for them as where could these people get similiar type jobs...also do we need foreign correspondents flying all over the globe when all they do is trot out the same viewpoints as the corporate media anyway and all the prizes given out. RTE is a big crony culture where everyone there is feathering each others nest.RTE knows that it is dependant on the licence fee, so it is very politically sensitive and does not want to antagonise the top politicians.
In this belt tightening times RTE needs to get real and reduce its costs and the licence fee needs to be reduced in turn.
I recently paid my licence fee....160euros....its a lot of money for an average earner.quote]

I agree. In fact I think that the fee should only be no more than €50 per year to cover only news and public service broadcasting.

But it's the wasteful use of money and the overall ethos of RTE that is at fault. Not Pat Kenny the individual.
They should have gone to a break almost immediately.

I'm glad they didn't, for me it was the best part of the show.

Did you see the face of Kenny when they came back after the break?
They loved it as did Pat Kenny. They are getting spanked in the ratings and they couldn't buy publicity like this. People will just tune in now to see what else will happen.

They should hire Jerry Springer like security men though!
I think Pat Kenny is a good presenter, particularly on The Frontline. But I think that the main substance of what the man in the audience was saying (that Pat Kenny shouldn’t be receiving a salary of €600,000) is correct. And it is about time it was said (or roared out loud) in public!

However, the man in the audience completely overstepped the mark by attacking not just Pat Kenny’s salary but Pat Kenny himself. He was wrong to say he was heading off to sue an old woman about a field. He was inaccurate when he said Pat Kenny worked 11 hours a week. He was stupid to say………“I don’t mind this woman here (M. Hanafin) who was elected by the people of the country being corrupt.” It amounted to unnecessary and unjustifiable personal abuse towards Pat Kenny.

Why we pay a television / radio presenter more money than Brian Cowen, Gordon Brown and Barack Obama earn between them is hard to grasp. What on earth does he do to deserve a salary of €600,000? Is there nobody else in Ireland that could do the job equally as good for a fraction of that salary?

(I would ask the same question about all those other high earning presenters in RTE as well, such as Gerry Ryan and Ryan Turbidy, whom I also regard as good presenters. They just get paid far too much).
I think Pat Kenny is a good presenter, particularly on The Frontline. But I think that the main substance of what the man in the audience was saying (that Pat Kenny shouldn’t be receiving a salary of €600,000) is correct. And it is about time it was said (or roared out loud) in public!

However, the man in the audience completely overstepped the mark by attacking not just Pat Kenny’s salary but Pat Kenny himself. He was wrong to say he was heading off to sue an old woman about a field. He was inaccurate when he said Pat Kenny worked 11 hours a week. He was stupid to say………“I don’t mind this woman here (M. Hanafin) who was elected by the people of the country being corrupt.” It amounted to unnecessary and unjustifiable personal abuse towards Pat Kenny.

Why we pay a television / radio presenter more money than Brian Cowen, Gordon Brown and Barack Obama earn between them is hard to grasp. What on earth does he do to deserve a salary of €600,000? Is there nobody else in Ireland that could do the job equally as good for a fraction of that salary?

(I would ask the same question about all those other high earning presenters in RTE as well, such as Gerry Ryan and Ryan Turbidy, whom I also regard as good presenters. They just get paid far too much).

+1 to all of that One. I think if he had composed himself and presented his argument in a calm and coherent manner without resorting to personal abuse and generally losing the run of himself, his argument would have carried far more weight. It's a shame he made such an eejit of himself really as it was a point well worth making.
Why don't RTE go pay-per-view or subscription based - like Sky Sports etc? No problems collecting money and they would make programs people would be interested in or go bust?
Why don't RTE go pay-per-view or subscription based - like Sky Sports etc? No problems collecting money and they would make programs people would be interested in or go bust?

Because then you'd end up with lowest common denominator programming ... i.e. cheap to make crap populist programmes like reality shows that bring in large numbers of viewers ... no thank you! I think there was a thread before on RTE and I remember a number of people (myself included) think RTE does a fine job on the whole. That said there is no justification for the salaries they pay a select few.
Its just like the top bankers who set their own salaries.RTE has a huge and very generous expense account ,so they are spending lavishly.
The government should immeadiately reduce the licence fee to 50euros as has been mentioned and have an independant body deciding on spending and a private company would....I think they could provide just as good if not better service on 50 euros...they just need to cut the fat.
I'm not a fan of Pat Kenny but I don't think the personal attack should have been broadcast.

Pat costs me less than €1 per year from the licence fee and I think I get value for that.

(1/160)*100 = 0.63% and thats just one presenters salary!

Have you any idea how much it costs to roll out a digital terrestrial network?

They don't come cheap!
Look into what? Unless RTE hands on personal information you have supplied to a 3rd party without your permission there is nothing for the Data Protection Commissioner to investigate.
Look into what? Unless RTE hands on personal information you have supplied to a 3rd party without your permission there is nothing for the Data Protection Commissioner to investigate.
That's not true. The DPC has a broader role, in cases where organisations are seeking information that they don't need. I reported the Gardai to the DPC some years ago for asking about occupation on a witness form. No outcome to that one yet.