The Swine Flu Scam


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VIDEO: Swine Flu Government Data Scam
Government using fraud to generate flu hysteria
Global Research, November 3, 2009
CBS - 2009-11-02

Employees are being told they have to receive the Swine Flu vaccine or lose their jobs.

Schools are giving children the vaccine against their parents wishes.

Now it has been revealed in this CBS report that the federal government is withholding data that shows a large percentage of people who have been reported as having the Swine Flu did not in fact have it.


Something I've been saying for months now and finally someone in CBS pulls the plug on this nonsense.

Yes, there is apparently some sort of swing flu virus and yes some people have got it and yes, for some people whose systems are already fighting another illness, there may be a risk of death.

But, out of all the numbers tested, it turns out that the actual cases of H1N1 are in low single figure percentages, and the subset of these where death actually arises is even lower - on the basis of these facts, there seems to be no case for mass-vaccinations

This is because, even in the face of an actual widespread outbreak, the methods used in treating an "epidemic" are necessarily broad spectrum because given the manufacturing time to market/supply, you just cannot target a mutating virus accurately.

In other words, by the time you target a specific "bullet" for one variant of the virus, its moved on, mutated and become slightly different. So you need - by definition - a generic solution, one that will work for whole families of that virus.
That's known as a broad spectrum "solution", a contradiction in terms if ever there was one.

Because if you're not killing 100% of the virus, all you're actually doing is breeding drug-resistant strains of that virus. This is a well known principle. This means you're storing up problems for the future for far greater numbers of people than might be killed by the initial outbreak - a super-virus.

This isn't fiction on my part BTW, its already been reported

[broken link removed]

And look at the terms in which an alleged Swine Flu death is reported in that last link:

"It is understood from her doctors at Birmingham Children's Hospital that she had underlying health conditions. It is not yet known whether swine flu contributed to her death."

What does that mean - did she or did she die from Swine Flu?

I'm not trying to show disrespect for the death of a child -far from it - but I have serious concerns about the way in which this tragedy was high-jacked to create more Fear Uncertainty and Doubt [F.U.D. from the 1960's] about this so-called epidemic.

And then there's this piece of nonsense about an untested cocktail of drugs; -

Now just think about this for a minute.
You're supposed to get a better result when treating Tamiflu-resistant visuses not by substituting drugs that work, but by including Tamiflu in an untested cocktail of drugs.

This piece of wonderment is brought to you by the same people whose cocktail of drugs administered to American Troops in Gulf War 1 destroyed their health and produced Gulf War Syndrome; -

I'd like to take this opportunity to ask readers of this forum to think seriously about the level of collusion required to promote mass vaccinations using broad spectrum medical techniques on the basis of hyped evidence through the office of our very own HSE.

Don't allow yourself to become distracted by the failure of the Financial Regulator and the nonsense of NAMA or you'll miss this nonsense. Be very careful of what you allow into your child's bloodstream or your own.


The fact that this ramble interchanges tamiflu with vaccines leads me to conclude it's all bull.

There's so much wrong with it I honestly don't know where to begin, plus it'll probably get pulled anyway under the terms of the site.

Sometimes it's better to get your scientific understanding from actually being involved in science rather than websites for fellow paranoid conspiracy lovers.
There's also a depth of research out there that says that the world only began 6,000 years ago. It doesn't mean that it has to be put up here. If I believed the research above, I'd never take a vaccine for anything!
Its still worth getting opinions from both sides though is it not?

Remember bird flu, bit of a non runner that one after all the hysteria!

I know a few people who have come down with mild flu like symptoms and have been diagnosed by their GP's with Swine flu, swabs are no longer being taken for analysis.

If they had swine flu then we have little to worry about as the illness itself was quite mild and they were back to normal after a few days. LS.
Its still worth getting opinions from both sides though is it not?

Remember bird flu, bit of a non runner that one after all the hysteria!

I know a few people who have come down with mild flu like symptoms and have been diagnosed by their GP's with Swine flu, swabs are no longer being taken for analysis.

If they had swine flu then we have little to worry about as the illness itself was quite mild and they were back to normal after a few days. LS.

Not if one side is so far off the mark that it becomes dangerous. Such as vaccines. There is no "two" sides. The opposite side has meant that whereas for years we've virtually erradicated measles (like small pox, TB, etc) thanks to the anti-vaccine movement children are dying of measles again. Nice.

Swabs are being taken, it's just over a select few GPs. That's standard practice across the world.

Bird flu was never a runner as far as the majority of the medical profession was concerned because it hadn't crossed the species barrier. This never got through to the media. Swine flu crossed the species barrier in a big way immediately. You cannot compare the two.
I dont think you can eradicate flu in the same way that TB and small pox have been eridacicated. Surely flu will mutate into different forms and carry on. Measles was a common childhood illness when I was a child. Of course its great if it can be eridacicated, but it wasn't considered as much more than a common childhood illness back then.

I guess we will know in 3 months or so if Swine flu is as serious as it is being made out to be. Personally I have no illnesses and wont be getting any vaxcine in the forseeable future. I have no issues with others deciding to get it if that is what they believe to be best for them.
I dont think you can eradicate flu in the same way that TB and small pox have been eridacicated. Surely flu will mutate into different forms and carry on. Measles was a common childhood illness when I was a child. Of course its great if it can be eridacicated, but it wasn't considered as much more than a common childhood illness back then.

I guess we will know in 3 months or so if Swine flu is as serious as it is being made out to be. Personally I have no illnesses and wont be getting any vaxcine in the forseeable future. I have no issues with others deciding to get it if that is what they believe to be best for them.

Nope, you can't mainly because each season of flu is a new flu (or a variation of the previous season's) and so each year the vaccine is a new vaccine. But the vaccines are important first to protect the most vulnerable from flu.

Measles is a potentially fatal and serious condition. A large portion of cases may be mild, but there were/are enough severe and fatal occasions to have caused concern.

As to your own health, that's grand. The other thing though about vaccines is "the herd". An unfortunate term, but the more who have vaccines, then the more of a firewall you create in preventing it spreading. that's the idea of the seasonal flu vaccine.
I have no doubt there is such a thing as the SWINE FLU out there, but I think it is being hyped up beyond believe.

I know a few folk who have had it, and they said it was like having a normal bad flu (perhaps they just had a normal bad flu?) but nothing more.

And the fact that it has NOT killed a single person WITHOUT underlying health conditions means that it is being hyped up. Immumise all those people, but the rest of us are ok.
I have no doubt there is such a thing as the SWINE FLU out there, but I think it is being hyped up beyond believe.

I know a few folk who have had it, and they said it was like having a normal bad flu (perhaps they just had a normal bad flu?) but nothing more.

And the fact that it has NOT killed a single person WITHOUT underlying health conditions means that it is being hyped up. Immumise all those people, but the rest of us are ok.

Who's hyping though? All the HSE do is release the weekly stats on cases. In their data, even the press releases it is clear that while numbers are on the increase it is a mild to moderate strain. It is the HSE who are clear that all fatalities are from those with serious underlying health conditions.

On the vaccines, as I said earlier, with flu vaccines the more vaccinated (even thouse not at risk) the better in order to act as firewall for the virus.
How many people in Ireland have had swine flu? Where do they get the figures from. Isn't it entirely possible that people have had it without knowing they had it? I was offered it last week and refused and my doctor agreed with me. I don't want to be a medical guinea pig on an untested vaccine.
How many people in Ireland have had swine flu? Where do they get the figures from. Isn't it entirely possible that people have had it without knowing they had it?

Just off the phone from a friend, told me his sisters BF had swine flu. I asked how he knew he had it. The GP diagnosed him with swine flu over the phone. Now Im not a doctor but I surely know, you cannot make a diagnosis that something is or isnt swine flu over the phone - it could be any variety of normal flu - or something else entirely. I wonder if he has been included in the numbers for swine flu?
Just off the phone from a friend, told me his sisters BF had swine flu. I asked how he knew he had it. The GP diagnosed him with swine flu over the phone. Now Im not a doctor but I surely know, you cannot make a diagnosis that something is or isnt swine flu over the phone - it could be any variety of normal flu - or something else entirely. I wonder if he has been included in the numbers for swine flu?

They don't and the HSE don't state swine flu (though it's a reasonable assumption). You'd be told you have an influenza like illness (ILI) which is probably swine flu.

How the HSE estimate the numbers is based upon GP records. Then they compare this with the GPs who take swabs. The swabbing is just to get a proportion of swine flu against any other influenza. Currently all swabs are showing as swine flu and not seasonal/any other flu.

And the vaccine has been tested. It was the media how portrayed it as "fast tracked". We were able to get the vaccine out quicker because the virus was isolated early and Pharma factories were already gearing up to producing the seasonal flu vaccine, so there was no delays in getting ready to produce it. Add to that the vaccine is just a slightly modified version of the seasonal vaccine, there is no issue over guinea pigs.
I have given about as much thought to Swine flu as I did to SARS, CJD and Bird flu which is hardly any.
I have given about as much thought to Swine flu as I did to SARS, CJD and Bird flu which is hardly any.

Me too. The Culture of Fear is a very powerful thing.

As for getting diagnosed over the phone, I have heard of a few of these cases locally too. Thats crazy if they are being included in the official figures.

What if its just the 'man flu'.
Me too. The Culture of Fear is a very powerful thing.

As for getting diagnosed over the phone, I have heard of a few of these cases locally too. Thats crazy if they are being included in the official figures.

What if its just the 'man flu'.

You're right, it makes more sense to have someone presenting the symptoms of a rapidly transmissable virus go to an area where you have other members of the public waiting. It also makes perfect sense to have them go to the same place where you have the very people who are at risk from serious complications waiting to see the GP.

Why, those doctors and stuff just don't know what they're talking about. They're just forcing a malingerer's charter on us.
You're right, it makes more sense to have someone presenting the symptoms of a rapidly transmissable virus go to an area where you have other members of the public waiting. It also makes perfect sense to have them go to the same place where you have the very people who are at risk from serious complications waiting to see the GP.

If thats the case then why:

Swabs are being taken, it's just over a select few GPs.