Rant: Is Trust in our Employers Gone?



I am not sure if this is the right forum or where to put this question but I wonder if I am the only one whose trust has totally been lost. I have worked for a firm from their start 10 years ago through the boom and now the bust, through the boom the profits were not shared, which I totally agree with the partners have a very skilled job, paid for their education and gained their qualifications, formed their company and are entitled to their profits. Now though with hindsight (which I know is a great thing) myself and my co workers placed too much trust in them, we fought even in the height of the boom times for a 3% - 5% pay increase every year, generally settling on 3%, always listened to the "although things might look good, loads of overheads etc". Now in the last 18 months they have made two of their very hard working staff redundant (one who brought loads of business to the firm) reduced our wages by 20%, now are reducing us further to a 3 day week, yet still taking home the same profit for themselves as 1 year ago, the company is still making a profit, we are still opening files for new business but here is the latest insult we were told today they are considering "outsourcing their typing needs, like other firms, apparantely companies are now paying people in India to do their typing remotely for a fraction of the cost that we are costing our bosses", is this just greed gone to far? What sort of comback has an employee? Is there no decency or trust left for profit? Sorry for the rant but I am actually more hurt than anything else.
Re: Is Trust in our Employers Gone?

The realisation that everyone is just a number and expendable/replacable is not an easy.

Once you do accept that, you'll actually be a lot less stressed and a lot more practical.
Re: Is Trust in our Employers Gone?

I am not sure if this is the right forum or where to put this question but ...... Sorry for the rant but .......

Only frequent established posters may rant on AAM in the Letting Off Steam subforum.
...... but here is the latest insult we were told today they are considering "outsourcing their typing needs, like other firms, apparantely companies are now paying people in India to do their typing remotely for a fraction of the cost that we are costing our bosses".....

I think the OP means "data entry" rather then "typing".