Altercation with Dart officials

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I guess it was an inter-city train? I should have stated that I meant urban pubic transport - like trams, urban buses or S-Bahn (equivalent of DART).
Yes, it was an intercity train.

If I was in the same position as the OP, I would still get on the Dart without a ticket. I wouldn't let Irish rail ruin my travel plans due to their incompetence.

(BTW, who decided to rip up the Irish rail infrastructure over the last 80 or so years? - This really infuriates me.)
Thanks to everyone who replied to my post, your replies have been most welcome and appreciated, it was a very horrible experience for me. I worked within the public service for nearly 40 years and I do not believe that I ever experienced anything like the sheer arrogance and bad manners that was displayed to me last Saturday. ( I would not have done it to anyone in a million years) I felt very disrespected and abused and at no stage did I believe that I had done anything wrong. I tried in every way to get a ticket and I really thought there would not be an issue if I got one on the dart without one, thought no problem will get one on the dart. There is no notice in Bayside to say that I would be publicly ridiculed if I did not have a current ticket, neither is there a notice stating that I must have a ticket before boarding the dart. By the way Dearg, I did pay for my journey when I got off in Connolly, I always pay my way and it is NEVER acceptable in my book to humiliate anyone in public or private regardless of the circumstances. I just wonder what kind of message we are sending out to visitors to our country when we have these type of Gestapo type practices. A very nice foriegn gentleman whos name I have forgotten approached me in Connolly and asked me if I was ok, I was embarrased that he should have witnessed this, he was so kind. Obviously, I intend to take this further, I am a strong believer in fairplay but hey I draw the line at unacceptable behaviour and I believe being sorrounded by three officials from Irish Rail on a Sat morning accusing me of lying in the midst of commuters doesnt sit well with me. Moreover, when certain commuters saw fit to intervene they were told to 'stop shouting' eventhough they werent and 'not get involved or they would be put off' I have real difficulty with the pseudo officialdom that was adopted. Dearg agree with you on one aspect only, the fact that I was going to a funeral is irrelevant I just said it as it was, not to score any points no need to go overboard about it, get a life comes to mind.
I completely agree Brighid. I just read your post and I dont think you ment to score extra points by saying you were going to a funeral, but rather just an extra stress which you had. If i were you I would definately write a letter of complaint. All to many people are treated like second class citizens when they have done nothing wrong. Maybe some people dodge paying for the dart but everyone cannot be tarnished with this stick if there are no staff to buy a ticket from!

Ericsson :)
The rule is if you don't have a ticket, you're not entitled to travel. It's as simple as that no matter what. It doesn't matter if you're going to a funeral or a wedding or just fancy a view of the bay from under your hoodie while sipping a can of cider. If you don't like this rule don't use the DART.

Actually that's not 100% correct. see attached from railusers ireland

Regardless of the rights and wrongs over whether or not the OP could buy a ticket, the ticket inspectors do not have the right to harass, intimidate or bully any member of the public.
Actually that's not 100% correct. see attached from railusers ireland

Regardless of the rights and wrongs over whether or not the OP could buy a ticket, the ticket inspectors do not have the right to harass, intimidate or bully any member of the public.
Well done Mpsox. But surely a notice board could have been put inside the window saying to pay onboard. Is the relevant authority afraid of a historic rush?
II proceeded to the machines and tried unsuccessfully with the assistance of two others to get a ticket to no avail.
What was the specific problem with the ticket machines? I had trouble with a machine in Bray last week not accepting my credit card, but one of the other machines accepted it.
I would definitely put a formal complaint in writing. If Iarnrod Eireann has decided to introduce a zero tolerance rule towards fare evasion, then it has to be backed up by proper procedures for instances such as the one you describe. This doesn't seem to have been the case and the handling of the issue was left up to a couple of ignorant (and by the sounds of it, not very bright) officials.
How do they expect you to buy a ticket if the machines don't work and there is noboby at the ticket counter?

Are you sure one of the machines weren't working as i think there is more than one at most stations.

How did other people at the station purchase tickets?
How do they expect you to buy a ticket if the machines don't work and there is noboby at the ticket counter?

Are you sure one of the machines weren't working as i think there is more than one at most stations.

How did other people at the station purchase tickets?
Joanne, yeh there were two machines but I had a similar problem with them. When u press destination and the payment comes up, in my case 4.70 euro, I went to insert the money but it wouldnt take it, apparently I should then have pressed on the 4.70 but there was no instruction to do that so that is where I came a cropper!!
Joanne, yeh there were two machines but I had a similar problem with them. When u press destination and the payment comes up, in my case 4.70 euro, I went to insert the money but it wouldnt take it, apparently I should then have pressed on the 4.70 but there was no instruction to do that so that is where I came a cropper!!
From memory, you have to choose 'payment type' at that stage - cash or credit card.

Is it really fair to beat up on Irish Rail because you couldn't work the ticket machine?
Last year I was on the dart with my wife at about 10pm on a week night. There were 2 people (man and woman) in our carriage who were drinking beer from cans but were minding their own business. Two 'private security' shaven-headed thugs used by Iarnroid Eireann got into the carriage and started harrassing the couple, trying to goad them into a response.

Myself and my wife intervened and said that we were disgusted at the treatment of this couple. The two security men tried unsuccessfully to silence us, saying that it was none of our business. We persisted in telling the security men that we would report them if they continued to harrass the couple. The security men then got off at the next stop. It was a bizarre incident but the OP's comments brought it back to mind.
Last year I was on the dart with my wife at about 10pm on a week night. There were 2 people (man and woman) in our carriage who were drinking beer from cans but were minding their own business. Two 'private security' shaven-headed thugs used by Iarnroid Eireann got into the carriage and started harrassing the couple, trying to goad them into a response.

Myself and my wife intervened and said that we were disgusted at the treatment of this couple. The two security men tried unsuccessfully to silence us, saying that it was none of our business. We persisted in telling the security men that we would report them if they continued to harrass the couple. The security men then got off at the next stop. It was a bizarre incident but the OP's comments brought it back to mind.
Mobile phone cameras are great for incidents like this!
From memory, you have to choose 'payment type' at that stage - cash or credit card.

Is it really fair to beat up on Irish Rail because you couldn't work the ticket machine?

It is not fair for them to beat me up emotionally:cool:
... shaven-headed thugs ....
Oops, that's me snookered.

OP sounded good on Dessie's programme today. I heard some bits of the show from other people with similar stories. Did anyone from IÉ ring in to comment or apologise? Did anyone highlight the byelws issue above? It sounds like IÉ staff need manners training and a bye-laws update. It must have been a dreadful experience.
OP sounded good on Dessie's programme today. I heard some bits of the show from other people with similar stories. Did anyone from IÉ ring in to comment or apologise? Did anyone highlight the byelws issue above? It sounds like IÉ staff need manners training and a bye-laws update. It must have been a dreadful experience.[/quote]
Thanks Math, no one contacted from IE, thought they might have but I guess they were delighted that Joe Public was getting the message not to board without a ticket or else.... Anyway, just to say a big thanks to all of you for your support, comments and advice and it certainly did facilitate me to 'let off off steam'.
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