is clutch not covered in warranty


Registered User
I've been informed that my car warranty doesn't cover clutch replacement. My question is should it be ,considering car is only 1.5 years old. 23,000 km on clock
Depends on the state of the clutch I would say.

Someone that rides the clutch the whole time could wear it out I suppose.

Although I would expect a clutch to last longer than that.

I have run more than 50,000 miles through a few cars and never had a clutch go.

The only way to check at all is get the clutch out for inspection, it may have been a dud that just broke up.
A clutch is a wearing part, just like brake pads and brake pads aren't covered by warranty. It is possible to burn out a clutch in a short time from new...! IMO.
Pointless comment saying "I run a car for 50000 miles and never had a clutch go". No warranty on clutches end of story. You've had the car 1.5 years. People can burn a clutch out after 1000 miles if they try hard enough
Point was driving style makes a difference.

Maybe I was lucky but my point still stands I think.