ipod comes back 13 months later!!


Registered User
Hi all,
My niece rented a house from a neighbour of her parents ,it was for just two weeks while her new house was being finished.

The landlady was a nasty piece of work,and was very mean and basically not a nice person.

When my niece left the house ,she noticed her ipod couldnt be found anywhere,and as she was moving a lot of stuff she presumed it was in one of the boxes.

However this wasnt the case and she resigned herself to an ipod less life.She had her name and phone number engraved on the back of it.

She called to the neighbours house to ask if it had been left there and was told it hadnt been.

Then out of the blue,one year and one month later,she gets a phone call .

The caller said she had her ipod and had contacted her as her name and number were engraved on the back of it.

She thanked the girl and asked if she could go and get the ipod and asked where she had found it.

It turns out that the girl goes to the same school as the landladys kids and they hang around together,and are often in each others houses!

As you can gather it would appear that the landladys kids had the ipod and left it in this girls house.

Now my Niece doesnt want to get the girl into any trouble with the nasty landlady,however it is clear that this is how the ipod came to be in her house!

SHe phoned the parents and the connection was verified between the caller and the landladys kids.

The caller it just saying she found it on her kitchen table,which is understandable..

My niece now has the ipod but it has been disabled as it needs a password,(she didnt have a password IN USE ),it also has some rather strange music on it.So now she cannot use it !!

I have posted about trying to resolve the password issue on AAM,but wonder what you guys would do in this situation?
Ie; would you contact the landlady?
Probably would - just to let off some real steam. She sounds like a really nasty piece of work. Get in touch with an outfit that does ipod repairs or try the web for solutions. As for the landlady, well woek it out yourself your next move.
I know what I would do.

Bang on the door and scream at her for half an hour.

Too many people pussy foot about nasty pieces of work.

As Druss the Legend would say, "Direct action pays off".
Probably would - just to let off some real steam. She sounds like a really nasty piece of work. Get in touch with an outfit that does ipod repairs or try the web for solutions. As for the landlady, well woek it out yourself your next move.

Oh she is a very nasty piece of work,and we would all like to do something about this ipod,,but what ??
I know what I would do.

Bang on the door and scream at her for half an hour.

Too many people pussy foot about nasty pieces of work.

As Druss the Legend would say, "Direct action pays off".

I know what you mean!!
But how do we do this without getting the girl who was kind enough to give it back to her,(whose own parents have nothing but bad comments on this woman anyway )any dispute with the landlady?
Landlady may be a nasty cow but realistically it was her kid who probably took the ipod & sometimes kids will be kids so I don't think ringing the gardai is appropriate. At this stage, once she can get the ipod going again, she should probably leave it at that! - presumably she doesn't have any contact with the landlady anymore & she got her ipod back when she wasn't expecting to see it again so in once sense alls well that ends well!.

The only other option is to just say to the landlady that the ipod turned up and that the other lady rang you in all innocence not knowing that it was the landladies kid who left it in the house. The only real benefit of doing this is to just get a little bit of her own back on the landlady by letting her know that her kid is a tea leaf!......... which would be pretty tempting admittedly! :D
Try this site.

Used it once before to repair a water damaged ipod and was very satisfied with them.

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