Greens are going to prostitute themselves rather than let the people vote?


Registered User
It's unbelieveable! The Green Party used to come across as the political Google ie. "do no harm". It's unbelievable that given the amount of scandal, the outrageous payoffs for ineptitude or abuse of position - eg. Neary, Molly & O'Donoghue.

Now the proposal to drive through NAMA which Stiglitz (the Nobel winning economist) called "a crime" is going to commit several generations to a huge burden of debt and who makes this decision - effectively a couple of hundred tree huggers who seem more concerned about fur and "staying in power" underpinning a party that for 15 years has bred a culture of doing whatever it takes to stay in power and getting their snouts as deep as possible into the trough!

Will there be a split in the party? It appears that a large proportion of the ordinary membership are unhappy - will they form a new party?
Now the proposal to drive through NAMA which Stiglitz (the Nobel winning economist) called "a crime" ................

Obama (the Nobel winning peacemaker) wants to send more troops to Afghanistan so I won't be paying much attention to what Mr Stiglitz has to say!
Obama (the Nobel winning peacemaker) wants to send more troops to Afghanistan so I won't be paying much attention to what Mr Stiglitz has to say!

That's REALLY strange logic you know???:confused: How can Mr. Obabma's Nobel prize affect Mr. Stiglitz's views??
Obama (the Nobel winning peacemaker) wants to send more troops to Afghanistan so I won't be paying much attention to what Mr Stiglitz has to say!

Well the Nobel foundation don't have a prize for Economics, so you can rest easy.
Now the proposal to drive through NAMA which Stiglitz (the Nobel winning economist) called "a crime" is going to commit several generations to a huge burden of debt and who makes this decision

I don't get your logic. The Nobel Memorial Prize for Economic Sciences is not a high standard. I will refer you to Scholes/Merton, the 1997 winners and the LTCM failure.
Who thinks that FF will promise the earth to the Greens in advance of tomorrows convention and then fail to or neglect to deliver?
Did the people not speak in May '08?
Maybe we should have annual elections?
I'd prefer them to get on with the job at hand and lead this country out of the mess it's in as I don't see Joan Burton,James Reilly etc doing any better.
Did the people not speak in May '08?
Maybe we should have annual elections?
I'd prefer them to get on with the job at hand and lead this country out of the mess it's in as I don't see Joan Burton,James Reilly etc doing any better.

Don't think it was 2008 actually, and wasn't Bertie Ahern ("everything was in good hands under myself and McCreevy") the leader of Fianna Fail at the time. And in fairness to Burton and Reilly, the like of Cullen, O'Cuiv, Coughlan and dare I say it Biffo himself hardly makes one confident that we're going in the right direction?

"Earlier, the Green party whip Ciarán Cuffe told RTÉ’s Late Date programme that his party would walk if an agreement was not reached by lunchtime."

5:40pm and the country depending on the outcome of these talks and these guys are still on their lunch break? Do they live in the real world?
I'd say they are just filling out their expenses to kill to for another couple of hours to have some "breaking news of an agreement" just before the main evening news. It's always the same - goes back to Berties "these were the tougheest ever negotiations" with the unions every 18 months or so.............
The Greens have suffered the same fate that Labour did in the 90s and the PDs in the noughties - once you take the FF offer of power, you risk political oblivion for years to come.

They are too interested in their ministerial pensions to be concerned about the national interest.

They will be no loss to Irish politics if they implode
actually their ministerial pensions are secured already as they have done their time, it's not the real world you understand in Dail Eireann :) but Gormless and Ryan are so fixated with being "in power" there is no way they will walk.......... should be another 43 minutes or so before the news breaks just in time for Anne Doyle to announce it!!!!
about another 18 mins to go by my reckoning before the charade is played out by Anne....
Call me cynical but I'm bang on schedule - what a joke!!!!

[broken link removed]

Classic Bertie - he's hasn't gone away you know :)

It ain't over yet Roy.

The Green Party ordinary members need to approve it with a two thirds majorty. Have you seen any of their annual conferences? Its like a Star Trek convention meets the Muppets. There are some very odd people there.

Interesting that RTE give such prominence to former astrologist and palm reader, now Education spokesman, Paul Gogarty.

Gogsy has been a long time opponent of this government, but he has a very weak voice within the GP.

I don't think this deal is done yet though.
Hope you're right BP........I've been hearing rumours of a protest outside the RDS tomorrow, would you know anything about that ie. what time and where? I wouldn't mind going along to encourage some of their stranger members to do the right thing.
