File sharing - different levels of access?


Registered User
We have a simple peer-to-peer network at work (8 computers on xp). If a folder is shared, is there a way to give different people different levels of access?

(e.g. one person can make changes, others can view but not change etc)
Thanks Pudds.

It seems to be part of a proprietary programme - they describe themselves as
"federal and state electric utility regulators collaborative" forum" !!!

I need something that can be used on your common-or-garden office PC or perhaps some download that will enable this.

Any ideas, anyone, (please!)
I don't know about peer-to-peer network. I think you'd have to set up a Domain and workgroup with different user groups. At least on Windows XP.
I don't know about peer-to-peer network. I think you'd have to set up a Domain and workgroup with different user groups. At least on Windows XP.

a peer-to-peer network is a workgroup.
you need a Domain for access level control.