Funny Things On Radio and TV

Lex Foutish

Registered User
In the midst of all the despair and doom and gloom every time you turn on your radio, it's nice to hear things that make you smile or laugh, now and again, also.

This evening, on The Last Word with Matt Cooper, Alan Shatter, during a 5 minute interview, made about 30 attempts to pronounce "Ceann Comhairle" and each time sounded like a Dutch soccer manager being interviewed after a World Cup match.

And Aer Lingus Chief Executive, Christoph Mueller, made me smile (despite the serious subject matter) when he was talking about their staff's "celeries."
... And Aer Lingus Chief Executive, Christoph Mueller, made me smile ... when he was talking about their staff's "celeries."
He got "going forward" right consistently, perhaps because his 'planes have no reverse gear?