Enneagram test


Registered User
Recently I've started a night course. Part of this entails an Enneagram test (voluntary). Does anyone have any knowledge of the accuracy of this?
Whenever you are confronted with this sort of stuff, check out the Skeptic's Dictionary

You can read the entire piece or the conclusion:

What this typology is based on is anybody's guess. But it is reminiscent of astrological forecasts. There doesn't seem to be any way to validate this typology. At the heart of this New Age spiritual psychology are a number of concepts vaguely reminiscent of biorhythms, numerology, astrology, tarot card reading, and Myers-Briggs personality inventories. Nothing in the typology resembles anything approaching a scientific interest in personality.

Some of this might be a bit of fun and harmless. But I would be concerned that the "course" you are doing might have some hidden religious sect behind it. That is fine if you want to engage with some new religion, but it is wrong if it is being done in an underhand way. Would you like to tell us where the course is and who is giving it?
This has been touched on in sales courses I have attended in the past.

I didn't find anything of religious significance in it at all nor was it in any way 'new age' or astrological IMO - it was simply a way (one way, of many it must be said) of categorising personality types.

A lot of it made sense to me but the info was delivered in a semi tongue in cheek way. No, not science but neither is sales.
Hi Caveat

I don't think that the enneagrams are themselves religous, but I have a vauge recall of some cults using them. I also think it may have been a cult posing as an educational body giving courses. After people are roped in, they discover that there is a cult behind the courses.

Hi Caveat

I don't think that the enneagrams are themselves religous, but I have a vauge recall of some cults using them. I also think it may have been a cult posing as an educational body giving courses. After people are roped in, they discover that there is a cult behind the courses.


I *think* it's the scientologists & dianetics you're talking about there Brendan?
Thanks GreenQueen

Scientology is one such cult.

It is also though the School of Philosphy and Economic Science which attracts people to lectures without telling them that there is a spiritual group behind it.

[broken link removed]

... Part of this entails an Enneagram test (voluntary). ...
I'm glad to hear the test is voluntary.

The enneagram can be a useful, humorous, ice-breaker type tool in group situations where the results and their perceived usefulness / accuracy are discussed in a healthy, open environment.

I worry if I hear of them being used, as alluded to already, to plan or more usually to sell pseudo-scientific 'personal development work' to move an individual from, for example 'the negative Challenger' to 'the more useful integrated Helper'.
If you are interested in doing an enneagram test my suggestion is to go to a trained person (very few fully qualified people in this country) I had it done by a person who had to train abroad and does it independant of any group so had no other motive than to pass on the information that the test turns out. I did it with a lady Ms MacNamara she was one of the original people that brought it to Ireland think she is in 80s now - she was wonderful and brought it alive for you.
I have also come across them in sales type training, and actually found it very good. You can do enneagram tests yourself on the internet with the Ennegram Institute. It's just a model of personality types. Nothing wrong with it in itself, just depends on how the results are then interpreted and used, which depends on your night course.
Was explained last night that this was to illustrate the idiosyncratic results of random multi choice questions. All the class went ahead and filled out the sheets. These answers provided some 'truths' but were treated by all as a bit of a giggle. A bit like reading teacups, horoscopes and Madam Zaza tells all. But after doing a bit of Googling I can see how tests like this could be used to undermine someone's self value. Like those Ron Hubbard afficianados on Tottenham Court Road that buttonhole you for a "free" personality test.
Scientology does not like criticism and monitors media for same.

Prepare for lots of new subscribers :)
Like those Ron Hubbard afficianados on Tottenham Court Road that buttonhole you for a "free" personality test.
Or the ones on Middle Abbey Street in Dublin. Stay away from anything that has even the slightest connection with scientology.
Or any other religion ;)

No, I'd put them in a category of their own. I used to be a Roman Catholic but since leaving they have not harassed me, sought to undermine my reputation or pressured by RC friends to cut off all contact with me.
As the original question has now been answered and as we have been updated on the background to the test, we will close the thread.

Feel free to Let Off Steam in the appropriate forum.
