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I dont know if any of you have noticed but this years crop of blackberries is excellent. They seem to have lasted for ages and in the past few days they are especially large, juicy and sweet. Despite all the rain or maybe as a result of all the rain, I've never seen such a bumper crop. This weekend could be a good time to hit the small country roads & collect them. Great on their own or with ice cream or in a blackberry/apple pie. They are so good for you too - I am not sure how, they just feel that way :)
thanks for the tip..must have a look over the wend.

wild blackberries also taste great unlike the ones you can buy in most supermarkets. Most of these look nice but are flavorless.
Have been out twice already this week checking as to their ripeness, alas they're still not ripe. Lots of them but not ripe yet.
My 2.5 yr old loves them and for the past few days we walked the local fields collecting them for our desert after tea....

Once tasted blackberry wine and it was the nicest wine I've had - really good.

Anyone made jam with them? I love to eat crack open a pot of jam in the middle of winter - its like a window of summer in all its bloom - helps to keep going during the dark cold days of winter.......

Ye loads about and have been for a while......
Picked over 20kg and frozen them as I do every year. It's too late now though due to 'Devil's spit' which makes them inedible.

Never heard of this devil's spit before. According to Google, the devil spit date is either 29/09 or 10/10.
What is Devils Spit ?

Not sure what it is but it looks like a kind of brown web that covers the blackberries and makes them look rotten. Some of them are covered in it at the moment.

I am down to my last batch. Making apple and blackberry crumble tonite. Should have freezed some.