Who appoints people to state boards?


Registered User
Looking at FAS etc their board is appointed by the relevant minister, the trade unions (The Irish Congress of Trade Unions) and the body representing employers in the protected sector (IBEC).
So we know who the minister is and who the book stops with but who are the people in ICTU and IBEC who appoint people to state boards, what are the selection criteria for appointees, how does someone become one of the people who appoints board members and if that board member screws up who is accountable within ICTU or IBEC?

One other question; can someone who appoints people to state boards also be a member of a state board? If they can there is a clear conflict of interest.

Looks like the Minister appoints all members. I imagine groups like IBEC and ICTU (Or Congress;)) can nominate possible members but the final say should rest with the Minister. I haven't actually read the legislation, but with most state boards, the relevant act would detail all that.

The idea about this site; http://www.egovernance.ie/ was to make information on these boards more accessible, but it looks like only one department uses it.
Looks like the Minister appoints all members. I imagine groups like IBEC and ICTU (Or Congress;)) can nominate possible members but the final say should rest with the Minister. I haven't actually read the legislation, but with most state boards, the relevant act would detail all that.

I think it’s more a case of IBEC or CONGRESS nominating them and the minister in question rubber stamping them. That just makes the real decision makers even less accountable.
I'd say your 100% right on that. But some boards also have worker directors, elected directly to the board by the staff (e.g. An Post)

Peter McCloone is an embarrassment to trade union members at the best of times but with all that has come out about Fas, I'm surprised IMPACT members aren't calling for his head.