any non eu readers here. your lisbon views (neutrals )


Registered User
i have come across a couple of us /canadians of other non eu members here on this site what are the media in your countries saying about lisbon(being neutral in this )
Well I am not non eu but having been born in England have no vote on Lisbon, if I had, not anything could convince me to cast a yes vote.
I find it incomprehensible that a yes could even get a single figure percentage vote.
It bewilders me that the brazenly corrupt lieing cheating vile greedy parasites that run this country have not been hung drawn and quartered by its citizens, and for those people to even consider heeding the litany of abuse lies and scare tactics and voting yes is absolutely beyond me.
As we are embroiled in the biggest con trick in Irish history in NAMA the people of this country should show some backbone and use it ( Lisbon) to prise this shower of self serving incompetants out of power, quite Frankly if there is a no vote they can ask as many times as they wish again untill they get what they want but on this occassion history will show that Ireland had a golden opportunity to save itself from itself......only we all know what will happen.
It is sad that the Irish people allow themselves to be bullied and walked all over, I liken this government to impatient parents who threaten us with nonsensical drivel, their nation of five year olds, with threats like a parent would a gullible child of Santa not coming if they do not do as they are told, or wee willy winky coming to visit all forms of nastiness if you are not in bed by nine,it is that simple to peddle their garbage to a lacklustre nation..... after the fairy tales of Bertie and all the other pedalled utter lies and nonsense I believe these ministers could literally tell the nation any tall story they could implausibly dream up and it would still be swallowed by the Irish people without so much of a whimper,is this not what exactly NAMA is ??? and while the nation sits blithely by and is trounced upon time and again there will never ever ever be a change of attitude by the scum sucking pond life that use us as their tools to enrich the lives of themselves and their recession proof bloated friends and kin.
A yes vote will be the single worst decision ever made by the Irish people in its history.
Honestly....I would not even be eligable to roll out insulation in someones loft without being tax compliant, yet incredulously I could hold the highest office in the land as did Bertie.
This speaks absolute volumes of the total debasement of the ethics of the Irish political system and yet people will still buy into this with the most powerfull tool at their disposal, their vote.
As a Canadian citizen I cannot vote. But from what I know of Irish politics I would be on the YES side. Reason? The power attained through organised knowledge. Also being united - "We shall all hang together or surely we shall all hang".
As a Canadian citizen I cannot vote. But from what I know of Irish politics I would be on the YES side. Reason? The power attained through organised knowledge. Also being united - "We shall all hang together or surely we shall all hang".

In this country you simply get someone to hang for you !!
...............what are the media in your countries saying about lisbon(being neutral in this )...........

Going round the channels the other night I was amazed to find CNN running an item on this. It was very balanced ( vox pop and otherwise ) and not rushed ( how often can you say that about the stuff that RTE pump out ? )

Have Al Jezzera run anything on it ?

For factual, balanced international news I think A J are ( and have been for several years ) the best.