Pat Kenny's new show


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Anyone see it?

Didn't think he did too badly. Current affairs suit him much better. Wasn't convinced about the format though. Bit too much like a tv version of liveline for me!
Thought Brian Lenihan wiped the floor with Eamonn Dunphy which was good to see as well. Lenihan is one man who has certainly improved during this crisis. Might not agree with him all the time but I find him coming across better and better recently. Especially compared to when he was first in the job and Richard Bruton was wiping the floor with him.
I thought the set looked like one of those day time chat shows they do in the UK.
Tom Parlon was quiet.
I can't believe the air-time Dunphy gets.
I aggree that Lenihan has improved since he first became minister for finance. He looks much more capable than Cowen or Coughlan and he was not part of the government from 2002-2007 so has more credibility.
Dunphy was doing his usual playing to the audience line. Really what financial expertise does he have. We all know at this point what went wrong and why. It doesn't need to be repeated time and time again on every show.
Of course Fintan O Toole was there to give his tuppenceworth. Where was John Waters and Terry Prone ?
Ireland is such a small country that its the same circle of know alls who appear on every show be it economic, political, sporting.
Dunphy was doing his usual playing to the audience line. Really what financial expertise does he have. We all know at this point what went wrong and why. It doesn't need to be repeated time and time again on every show.
Of course Fintan O Toole was there to give his tuppenceworth. Where was John Waters and Terry Prone ?
Ireland is such a small country that its the same circle of know alls who appear on every show be it economic, political, sporting.

Eamonn Dunphy, a sports writer who knows bugger all about economics and Fintan O’School, a “culture” writer who knows bugger all about economics, both pontificating about economics. It’s no wonder that their populist hyperbole doesn’t stand up to any informed scrutiny.
I turned it off after 5 miuntes. Liveline is bad enough. Is this what we're paying Pat close to €1million for? Where can I apply for the job?!
I thought it was good, a welcome change to Prime Time’s tired format. Pat Kenny did well, it’s something RTE should have had him years ago instead of the LLS, a much better use of his abilities.
I thought it was excellent and it's been getting great comments on a lot of radio programmes. I don't agree with the liveline comparison. The real life stories were followed by strong interviews with relevant politicians and other key players and I thought the balance between the stories and the interviews was very good.
I really liked it too, but i have been asking myself was it because if the debate in question & that Brian Lenihan was on?.....

I think i will make my mind up after a few more shows ;)
The main thing, as has been said on other boards, is that a load of party hacks don't start filling up the audience and supporting whatever Minister or TD is being interviewed that particular week.

ps Surely the debates and the people, chosen to feature on the programme, are the main things that should decide your opinion?
ps Surely the debates and the people, chosen to feature on the programme, are the main things that should decide your opinion?

They have to relevant though. Eamonn Dunphy and Fintan O'Tool were not relevant the other night. They just like to think of themselves as amoung the great thinkers of our time with a opinion on everything.

I thought the way that the developers and builders there were turned into cartoon villians by Dunphy and other contributors was childish and unnecessary. If you are going to debate something, you have to be fair to both sides.

Like I say though, I thought it was a good first outing. Apparently the format is not set in stone.
The show's blog says:

For the rest of the team the challenge is to live up to the reputation that Questions and Answers built up in this slot over the last 25 years, while offering people a real sense that The Frontline is new and different.
So, how will it be different? Well, the new show will be more flexible and less predictable. Pat won’t be chained to his desk each week – he’ll have the freedom to move around amongst the audience in a way that we hope will shift the “centre of gravity” of the programme towards those who have questions to ask and personal experiences to relate.
You’ll find that the number of topics in the programme will vary from week to week and on occasions we’ll devote the entire programme to a single subject. At other times guests will come and go during the show rather than remaining in place throughout in the old Q&A style.
They have to relevant though. Eamonn Dunphy and Fintan O'Tool were not relevant the other night. They just like to think of themselves as amoung the great thinkers of our time with a opinion on everything.

Is that what they think? They are two of the most detached from reality people in this country and I'm sick of them getting platforms they do not deserve. Vincent Browne is about the only one I can think of who has a more closed mind.

Come to think of it I'm sick of people wailing on TV with their bleeding heart, off the cuff, ill thought through opinions. Pat MacArdle was the only person who actually questioned why you would give credit to businesses with no long term viability. Everyone else was too busy basking in irony and hypocracy to think things through.
Is that what they think? They are two of the most detached from reality people in this country and I'm sick of them getting platforms they do not deserve. Come to think of it I'm sick of people with their bleeding heart, off the cuff, ill thought through comments. Vincent Browne is about the only one I can think of who has a narrower mind

I know. Kept expecting John Waters to pop out from behind a screen to complete the set.
Pat MacArdle was the only person who actually questioned why you would give credit to businesses with no long term viability. Everyone else was too busy basking in irony and hypocracy to think things through.

Pat McArdle's comments were at the tail end of an exchange that began with Pat Farrell's assertion that 80% of small firms had no problem currently getting credit and that the other 20% weren't good risks anyway. The point was then reasonably made that the lack of credit availabaility is presented as one of the main justifications for NAMA.

Pat McArdle was merely making the point that it will never make sense to make loans to the remaining 20% (if never bothered the banks beforem, but that's another story). However, if the only ones shy of credit at the moment are the bad risks, what the hell difffernce is NAMA going to make?

I think that the failure of those invloved to effectively articlualte why NAMA is needed gives creedence to any counter arguments offered, regardless of who makes them.
They have to relevant though. Eamonn Dunphy and Fintan O'Tool were not relevant the other night. They just like to think of themselves as amoung the great thinkers of our time with a opinion on everything.

I thought the way that the developers and builders there were turned into cartoon villians by Dunphy and other contributors was childish and unnecessary. If you are going to debate something, you have to be fair to both sides.
I agree with all of that.
I thought Dunphy and O'Toole made some really valid points and certainly added to the show. I suppose it depends what your perspective is.

This is the first time I have seen a debate take place on TV re NAMA where the view of "Joe Public" was to the front of the agenda. Possibly with the exception of the Vincent Browne Show, I'm a big fan of his :)
I thought Dunphy and O'Toole made some really valid points and certainly added to the show. I suppose it depends what your perspective is.
O'Toole made some valid points but didn't know enough about the details to stand up to rebuttal from Lenihan. Dunphy was talking populist excrement and shouted down the developer who was making some valid points. He'd a buffoon.

Lenihan was well able for all that was thrown at him. He was very impressive.

Possibly with the exception of the Vincent Browne Show, I'm a big fan of his :)
Browne is utterly biased and has no credibility.