Looking to create a personal diary with password!!!


Registered User
Hi I'm just wondering if there anyway I can get a personal diary which is password protected and safe. I'm using microsoft enterprise and can't seem to find one there.. Is there anywhere I can download one preferably for free. Thanks..
Not familiar with Enterprise. Could you use Works instead maybe?

I'm sure it has a diary type template and any Works file or folder can be easily password protected I would have thought.
Heres a few links for you mate:

Encryption in Windows XP : [broken link removed]

What is PGP : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pretty_Good_Privacy

PGP website : [broken link removed]

I think you could probably do with Windows XP encryption but maybe PGP will give you more options. PGP portable is vary handy for USB memory sticks etc.

You may want to check out Truecrypt.org as well. For some reason I prefer them.. my laptops are fully encrypted too.

Drop me a mail if you need help.