Proposed banning of sunbeds

One of the points Mary Harney made was about parents taking their children for a tan before their First Communion. If people are that stupid............

Whilst I am not a huge fan of the Minister, this is actually a common sense idea that she should get some praise for.


This was discussed on Ray Darcy a few weeks ago, and a salon owner texted in stating that she had recently gotten into an argument with a customer who was attempting to bring their 8 month baby into the sunbed with them.

Never underestimate people's stupidity.
This is all out of jealousy of course because Mary Harney just can't fit into one- no other reason - plain & simple!
S If Ireland was a very sunny country would you outlaw sunbathing without suncream? !

Now the suncream is linked to Alzheimers.

I am delighted these are banned, sure we know better, but lots of people just listen to their buddies/peer pressure and they go on these things. And anyone who puts a kiddie on one is obviously not capable of regulating themselves.

Cigarettes should be banned too.