PS 3 settings


Registered User
Son (13) is looking to change the "Nap" setting from Type 1 to Type 2. He is being asked for a PPP0e user name and password. Does anyone know what this is or where he might find it. Our ISP is BT and I'm afraid that is as far as my knowledge of all things techy goes.

I believe you, or more likely he, means NAT Type. Any reason why he wants to change that? I have a PS3 on BT, and going through the 'easy' config options takes care of this for you.
PPPoE is the name of protocol that DSL use to connect to the ISP, no one would know your username and password besides you and BT. Did you make a note of it anywhere? Have you phoned BT for help?
Hi Cat and Leo

I haven't rung BT yet Cat as I don't know what I am to ask them or why!

Leo, just asked son again and he says he is currently Type 2 and his friends are Type 1. He says he can get invited to a PS3 "party" by his friends but he cannot invite people to party with him and he seems to be putting this down to the NAT type.

Does that make sense?
Presuming Eircom is your ISP

go on to your screen with all the different options (like game, video, music etc)

go to the second icon SETTINGS

Scroll down to the last option NETWORK SETTINGS and open it
Go to the third icon here INTERNET CONNECTION SETTINGS and open it
Select a setting method select CUSTOM
Select Scan (it should pick up your router automatically from here)
Hit enter
Press right on the keypad
It will now ask you for your WLAN Security Settings, there are three option

I use the third option WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK, it is a 20 digit code i got from eircom, a mixture of letters and numbers, called the WPA key,

you should be able to find it by typing into the google search bar and looking under the wireless section.

10. Enter in the twenty digit number

11. The next page is IP Address Settings, Choose PPPoE
12. Enter in the PPPoE User Name which is
13. Enter in the PPoE password which is broadband1,
14. The next page is DNS settings, choose AUTOMATIC
15. The next page is MTU, Choose AUTOMATIC
16. the next page is Proxy server, Choose DO NOT USE,
17. The next page is UPnP, Choose ENABLE
18. Press the x button to save settings
19. press the x button to test connection.

I just have asked a friend of mein who also has a PS3 on BT and he is NAT 1, says he never had a problem with online gaming voice communication etc.

Nat 1 - connected straight to the internet.
Nat 2 - Through a router
Nat 3 - Security is enabled on router

Nat 3 is what you dont want, AFAIK Nat type 1 and 2 are fine

you could try to find out the BT PPPoE User Name and password and follow the steps above?????

Other then that i am not sure, my only experience is from a few weeks of hell trying to set a PS3 xmas two years ago