balancing the needs of your children and your job.

I totally agree with you! No ONe has the right to assume anything in this life, sure I thought when I started trying for a child it would happen over night, it didnt it was a long hard road for us...

Well, then I'm amazed you're not aware that maybe other people at work may be going through the same thing. I do appreciate it must be amazing for you to have got the child you want, and maybe you don't make the same comments to your colleagues as you did on here, but some of them were a bit insensitive.
another point from what you said to me "its okay to talk about them all the time even if people don't want to listen".

Do you know what give and take means? Listen and learn etc... I dont like listening to football, but I do listen to the men in work most of the day talking about games coming up etc. I show a LOT of interest in it, because do you know why?
Its nice to be nice.......
BUT liaconn? What are you talking about? Going through what?

You appear to be giving the impression that you had a bit of difficulty having a baby - Liaconn is simply saying that other's might now be in that unfortunate position and perhaps wouldn't like to hear about your child/children all the time!
But it's a personal trait in an employee, it's not defined by whether or not you are a 'working mother'.

That’s a bit sexist. What about working fathers? They have to get the balance right as well.
Trying and not being able to have a child of course.

I don't want to get into a row, all I'm saying is that some people who haven't been able to have children get upset when people talk about their children all the time. Its a fact, whether you like it or not. Also, I have seen a friend of mine close to tears when she reads articles in magazines where celebrities say their life is only complete now that they have a child. It only makes her feel the lack of a child all the more. I just think people should think before they make a remark like this on a forum or anywhere else. You talk about give and take, and listen and learn but when someone says that maybe it would be sensitive to tone it down a bit you come back shouting defensively at them. Anyway, this has gone way way off topic.

Sorry, this reply was to Bondgirl.
Liaconn... Maybe I shouldnt of said on this forum that my life is now complete with my child, maybe its because I am having a good day thinking about him when I had so many ****ty ones... But if I cant say it on here, when we are talking about work -life balance aboutkids? where can I say it? This topic was not about Fertility problems or those cant have or trying for kids... It was brought up my me, when I was saying that in work I find it hard to balance everything and sometimes I get evil looks for other managers etc when I have to run to collect my child... and a lot of posters pointed out I shouldnt feel guilty ,if its what I do. I also meant by taking annual leave to mind Ds, it that I am NOT RIPPing the company off. NOT at a slap in the face of someone who hasnt kids or cant have them....

Also I NEVER say anything like that to my friends in work... I actually am one of those who never mention my kids much except to those on my team. Those on y team are VERY young men, who are all single and I am sure I bore them to tears about my DS, while they bore me totears about their football stuff but I listen and they do too!!!!!
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Another thing when I say my life is complete and I really think it is.. My fab DP thinks otherwise, he thinks in a few mths or yrs I will probably want another child and will be going through the same agony all over again.. he is probably right!!! (like most men hes always right ;))
Bondgirl - I think rollercoaster & weddingsonline are the more suitable forums for the 'my fab DP' & DS stuff.
What's a fab DP & DS?? :confused:

I could be way off but I think the P is for Partner and the S for I've drawn my own conclusions on the D being for Darling???? Or some such...:rolleyes:

Such is the lingo....Ive way too much time on my hands..
I could be way off but I think the P is for Partner and the S for I've drawn my own conclusions on the D being for Darling???? Or some such...:rolleyes:

Such is the lingo....Ive way too much time on my hands..

YEs you are right..................

Ah come on give a girl a break can I not call my partner fab or shorten words LOL!

Okey dokey, I am off now from work so everyone have a fun weekend its been nice and no doubt I will be back on Monday to chat !
YEs you are right..................

Ah come on give a girl a break can I not call my partner fab or shorten words LOL!

Okey dokey, I am off now from work so everyone have a fun weekend its been nice and no doubt I will be back on Monday to chat !

So you're on AAM during working hours as well as nipping off home all the time to mind the child? :D

well i'm taking my GS off home to see my fab OH and kiss my DD's as well as my DC's before heading out to dinner with the IL's! :D
Liaconn... Maybe I shouldnt of said on this forum that my life is now complete with my child, maybe its because I am having a good day thinking about him when I had so many ****ty ones... But if I cant say it on here, when we are talking about work -life balance aboutkids? where can I say it? This topic was not about Fertility problems or those cant have or trying for kids... It was brought up my me, when I was saying that in work I find it hard to balance everything and sometimes I get evil looks for other managers etc when I have to run to collect my child... and a lot of posters pointed out I shouldnt feel guilty ,if its what I do. I also meant by taking annual leave to mind Ds, it that I am NOT RIPPing the company off. NOT at a slap in the face of someone who hasnt kids or cant have them....

Also I NEVER say anything like that to my friends in work... I actually am one of those who never mention my kids much except to those on my team. Those on y team are VERY young men, who are all single and I am sure I bore them to tears about my DS, while they bore me totears about their football stuff but I listen and they do too!!!!!

That's fair enough. I didn't realise you had been through such a difficult struggle and can see your post in a totally different light now. I had just been through a conversation with someone who'd been feeling particularly down about trying to have a baby, so I was probably feeling a bit sensitive when I first read the post.

Anyway, hope the baby's fine. Enjoy your weekend. Just back from having root canal work so hope I will be enjoying my weekend too and not overdosing on neurofen plus!!!!
As someone who generally feels misanthropists aren't extreme enough, I do have to say that really it doesn't bother me. I mean sure I have no interest whatsoever in looking at another picture they've taken on their mobile phone or graphic descriptions of nappy contents, but c'mon they've just a had a kid...a bit of leeway on the old being slightly proud/anamoured.

Heck, I still go on about Liverpool winning the champions league in 2005, my only contribution to that was getting very drunk and texting every single Man United Fan/Evertonian I had ever come across.

While it can be an annoyance and yes occasionally insensitive, I don't think it's that bad. How are they to know an individual can't have kids or doesn't want kids? Are we seriously suggesting we should curb talking about a child for fear of offending someone? Is that how far we've come?

I don't mind an odd bit at all but this particular girl is unreal. You tell her her dress is nice and she proceeds to tell you about the time the child threw up all over it.

Her child is 3 years old btw.

She also knows our friend was hoping to start a family when she got the news.

No one expects her never to mention the child just not every sentence.
So you're on AAM during working hours as well as nipping off home all the time to mind the child? :D

well i'm taking my GS off home to see my fab OH and kiss my DD's as well as my DC's before heading out to dinner with the IL's! :D

Are we talking about gorgeous self, other half, darling cats & dogs and in-laws?