Help with HPAT

Duke of Marmalade

Registered User
[broken link removed] With all this fuss about about HPAT I decided to Google it. See attached link. Jayz, I can't do most of Section 3, can anybody help me with it?
I got:
Q1 = C (look at the rotational patterns of the balls individually. The ball with the line in it rotates four segments at a time. The white ball moves in a line across the segments 3, 2, 1, 2, 3. The black ball that starts in the inside circle rotates anti-clockwise out, then in, then out, then in etc. The black ball that starts on the outside ring rotates clockwise three segments then in, clockwise then three segments and out, clockwise then three segments and in etc)

Q2 = A (Again, it's the rotational patterns of each of the features. The triangle is tilting from right to left around a fulcrum that is the corner with the short line in it while the arrow is rotation clockwise one corner at a time.)

Q3 = B (easily the hardest but break the pyramid into smaller units of three and see that the top and right hand symbols add up to the bottom left hand symbol. If a line is there twice it cancels itself out, if it's there once it remains and if it was not there in the first two symbols it's not in the last. Therefore B and the symbol in the circle on the right hand side of the second line add up to the symbol on the left hand side of the second line.)

Q4 = B ((D, A, B, C, E) the dot and line rotate clockwise)
Ahh, Purple, a budding med student as well as an economist:)

I don't know the answers but I ran the paper past my son who is already a med student.

Q1: He agrees with you for the same reasons. I got that answer too but by different though similar arguments, took me a while.

Q2: Even I thought this was easy and agree your answer.

Q3: There was no way I wuda got this. But my son did using the same argument as you. He had an advantage though, apparently these patterns are familiar to anyone who had studied chromosomes. Had you met it before somewhere?

Q4: I agreed with you but my son argues it is (e). Did you notice that 3 of the circles are coloured in? I didn't. We all agree the right rotational order but think about it, the starting point could be anywhere. With the 3 black circles we require an additional symmetry viz. alternating black and white circles and this forces (e) into the centre.

BTW, do you think this will make for better doctors?
I’ve no idea if it makes for better doctors, I’m a tradesman, but I gave the questions to Mrs. Purple this morning to look at today. She’s a doctor. I bet she won’t look at them though. The excuse will be “I’m too busy at work”, or “I’m tired because I’m 9 months pregnant” (baby due on Monday).
Q4: I agreed with you but my son argues it is (e). Did you notice that 3 of the circles are coloured in? I didn't. We all agree the right rotational order but think about it, the starting point could be anywhere. With the 3 black circles we require an additional symmetry viz. alternating black and white circles and this forces (e) into the centre.
Yep, I think he's right. I didn't notice that they were coloured either and without that being factored in there is no start or end point to the cycle, just a cycle. (So it's c, a, e, b, d)