Selling a Car of a Deceased Person


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My mum passed away last year, and I as one of the executors am now going to attempt to sell her car.

The Tax is out for a good few months, and the car is still in her name.
How would I go about this, if I get the car changed into my name then would it de-value the re-sale value etc,

The car is is Donegal and I am in Carlow, so would I need to tax it to drive it down to Carlow?

Any help much appreciated

The Tax is out for a good few months, and the car is still in her name.
How would I go about this, if I get the car changed into my name then would it de-value the re-sale value etc,

You need to get the RF101 (used to be called log book) and use it to put the car into your name (instructions where to post it on it).

Cant see that signing the car into your name has anything to do with the value of it?

The car is is Donegal and I am in Carlow, so would I need to tax it to drive it down to Carlow?

You MUST get insured to collect it!!!

If you want to play by all the rules, then do the reregistering and taxing before collecting it. Otherwise just keep a copy of the death certificate with you while collecting it and if you are stopped you can explain the situation. You may be asked to produce documents at a Garda Station to prove your story.

When it is in your name (you have received the RF101 back in the post) you need to bring your mothers death certificate and RF101 to a Garda Station, explain that the car has been off the road since she died (produce death certificate), that you have reregistered it in your name (produce RF101) and you need them to sign the form saying it is exempt from tax for the period it wasnt being driven and you will back tax it to the point where you collected it. They will sign the form, you can go to the tax office and tax it.
You are only liable for road tax from the first day of the month in which the change of ownership took place.There's no need to go to any Garda station.Just tax it when the ownership form arrives in your name.
You'll need insurance - you own insurance company may be able to switch cover to this car for a day or two while you move it.