Saturated Fat vs Sugar in Products


Registered User
Morning all.

I am in the process of trying to cut out or cut down on some items that I eat. Take for ex. Mayo / Cheese / Bread and so on.

However, you know when the alternative products are lower saturated fat but the sugar content may be higher, I am wondering which is the worst one for you?

i.e. go with the lower saturated fat version or go with the product with the lower sugar content. Are they both as bad as each other and it's only a matter of picking the less of two evils?

Any help appreciated. Thank you.
The weight-watchers program gives points based on saturated fat and calories in foods (and also fibre). Put simply, the higher the points the more likely you are to gain weight. WW have a formula given here Points=(Calories + (Fat x 4) - (Fiber x 10)) / 50
Hi Squonk.

Thanks for the link. I am following the WW at home as I did it before so have all the books. But it doesn't really go into specifics for me. This is info I am looking for when I go to the supermarket and read the labels. I am just wondering is there a big difference between the two and which one should I opt for. Thanks.
The main problem you seem to have is that it sounds to me as if you are eating primarily processed foods e.g. raw fruit and veg don't have ingredients / constituent labels on the side. A balanced diet consisting of fresh wholefoods may be what you aspire to from a nutrition point of view.

If you want a shock, read the labels on some "healthy" processed cereals paying close attention to the salt and sugar levels, which are higher than the levels in the corresponding cereals sold in the UK.
Thanks Mathepac, yes I already have seen that info and was shocked. I do eat raw veg / fruit, every day.

However, from a cheese, mayo items like that I am looking to find out which is the worst one, saturated fat or sugar content.

I am not going to cut these out straight away or if ever but I do want to make an informed choice when I am picking them up in the market.
Thanks Mathepac, yes I already have seen that info and was shocked. I do eat raw veg / fruit, every day.

However, from a cheese, mayo items like that I am looking to find out which is the worst one, saturated fat or sugar content.

I am not going to cut these out straight away or if ever but I do want to make an informed choice when I am picking them up in the market.

They are both bad and good in many respects, and in those respects it depends on your lifestyle.

Saturated fat is undesirable, particularly when cooked and transformed to trans-fats. In particular, animal oils and animal fats, deep fats or in the form of Cakes, patries and chocolate could be avoided. However, fats are an important part of every balanced diet but in particular polyunsturates ( spreads,extra virgin olive oil ) and Omega-3 and Omega-6; and often will come from sources that contain saturated fat also.

In terms of sugar content, fruits contain a lot of natural sugar; but my guess is you're looking to avoid anything with added sugar. The problem with hi-sugar is that it bounces your insulin levels and can make you hungry/unsatisfied fairly quickly after eating a meal. This also applies to processed white flour such as white bread and other simple carbs that are a couple of chews away from sugar itself, so watch out for those.

However, if you're a sports person of any kind, stripping out the sugar may leave you feeling a bit drained during and after sports.

In general, if you eat omega-3 eggs, low fat cheeze, natural breakfast cerials such as porridge ( non-instant - added sugar), avoid Uncle Bens style sauces ( which are laced with sugar - try mixed herbs for flavour), avoid breads and pastas and favour nuts/dried fruits as snacks - and always strive to buy extra-lean meats (nothing processed); in general you'll be doing a lot of good.