Residential Estate without 3 Ton Limit Displayed

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Mods - apologies if this is in the wrong forum.

I live in a residential estate which has a defined owner occupier/council housing amount. The owner occupier/affordable housing/council housing element has been taken in charge by the local authority and is in general well taken care of. As part of our purchase/tenancy agreements we were advised that there was a 3 ton limit on all vehicles in the estate.

As part of the estate there are also a number of apartment blocks which are privately owned and administered by a management company. These have not been taken in charge by the local authority as they are the responsibility of the management co.

One of the tenants of the apartment block drives (possibly owns) a huge truck cab which is definitely over the 3 ton limit. They leave for work between 2 - 3am every morning and return at 1pm - this is very loud and wakes many residents in the early morning. It is parked in the local authority part of the estate.

We have complained to the management company but they say that there are no 3 ton limits on their area - even though the truck is parked on the local authority property. They also say that as the driver is a tenant in the apartments and we cannot pinpoint which apartment he is a tenant of they will be unable to speak to him on our behalf.

The Gardai are reluctant to assist as they say that there are no signs stating a 3 ton limit and the trucks tax & insurance are up to date.

Would anybody have any advice as to how to move on from here?
The Gardai are reluctant to assist as they say that there are no signs stating a 3 ton limit and the trucks tax & insurance are up to date.

You're over-complicating. If the road has a 3t limit and the truck is parked on the road, then it's nothing to do with the management company or the apartment block at all - it's an issue for the Gardai and the local authority.

Ask the LA to confirm that a 3t limit is in place and, if it is, to erect signs indicating that. When that's done, report the truck to the Gardai.
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